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It was late, very late. We had all gone to sleep a while ago. Natsuki had fallen asleep during the rest of the film, followed by Sayori, then Yuri. I turned off all the lights before I made my journey into the land of slumber. That was until I felt something shift by my feet, waking me up. I looked up to see Sayori getting up from the sofa. She paused when she saw me watching her.

"You okay?" I asked sleepily.

"I'm fine, just need to go to the bathroom," her voice sounded a little choked up, almost as if she were about to start crying. Before I could ask her what was wrong, she rushed out of the room. I heard a door slam upstairs. The noise woke Natsuki.

"What the hell?" she whispered loudly.

"It was Sayori, she's upset but I don't know why," I said, staying quiet so I wouldn't wake Yuri up as well.

"Go ask her then! This might be your only chance to tell her how you feel," she hissed at me.

"But-" she cut me off

"No but's! Just go do it!" 

I sighed and stood up to go comfort Sayori. I tip-toed to the bathroom door and listened carefully. I could hear sniffing coming from inside the room.

"Sayori, can I come in?" I asked, knocking on the door.

There was silence for a moment before I heard her stand up and a loud click, signalling that she had unlocked the door. She opened the door slowly, revealing her tear-stained face and red puffy eyes. It broke my heart at the sight.

"What's wrong?" I finally asked.

She hesitated before breaking down into tears. I felt a little overwhelmed, I'd never had to comfort someone before. I may be popular but I was never the person people would express their emotions to. My old friends never talked about anything other than drama. I fucking hated it sometimes.

"It was only a nightmare but it felt so... real. Like I was actually there," she sobbed.

I didn't know what to say so I wrapped my arms around her instead. She leaned into me a little and for a second I forgot to breathe.

"It's alright, you're fine," I murmured those comforting words to her even though I wasn't sure what they would do. They never worked for me.

"Thank you, Monika," she whispered, looking up at me.

This was my chance, my chance to say that one little sentence that had been bugging me all week.

"Sayori, I..."

I looked into her big blue eyes, her beautiful blue eyes. She had a small smile on her face. I could just kiss her now. As I looked into her eyes something weird came over me. I couldn't do it, just saying it made me feel sick.

"... I'm so glad we're friends."

"Yeah, me too," she said but she looked a little disappointed.

"Anyways, we should go back down and try and get some sleep," I faked a yawn, trying to get out of this awkward situation.

"That's a good idea," Sayori moved past me and went downstairs. I followed her.

We both settled on the sofa, underneath the large blanket we were sharing.

"Goodnight, Monika," she whispered.

"Goodnight," I sighed, tears in my eyes. Now I was the one crying.

I masked my sniffs but covering my face with the blanket. What was I thinking? I can't tell her, it'll ruin our friendship. Natsuki isn't going to be very happy.

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