Exchange students from a non-existing camp

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3rd P.O.V

Mrs. Weasley rushed all over the place. 10 minutes ago, everyone had gotten a letter that said:

Harry, Ron, and Hermione are invited to come back for their 8th year at Hogwarts. They will be attending a new course, which is as follows: Sword Fighting, Hand-to-hand combat, Greek and Roman mythology, forging and making your own weapons, surfing, archery, and rare animals.

As we recognize that you are all recovering from the war, a sister camp in America called Camp Olympus has reached out to us and offered us aid. Several of their students will be coming to teach us as well as learn from us while repairing the castle and the surrounding area. They will be coming in 10 minutes to stay with you until it is time to go to Hogwarts. Please note that these students will be arriving in uniform. As they are used to this, they will not be staying in the house itself as they have their own movable living quarters. They have been in several battles and two wars, and are easy to provoke. Please refrain from asking personal questions as this may lead them to fits of rage or sadness. They have extremely fast reflexes and will not hesitate to protect the ones they love.

Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts

Harry P.O.V

Hermione was giving us a headache because in her books, Camp Olympus didn't exist. I excused myself to mentally prepare myself for Persassy and Leo. If only the other wizards knew what I truly am. Being scrawny is annoying when a. You're actually as tall as Reyna, and b. Reyna and Thalia both consider you and Nico as younger brothers. But then again, a son of Pluto does not complain. Although, to tell the truth, ever since Theyna happened, Reyna has started to do the opposite.

3rd P.O.V

A large horn sounded and everyone ran outside, only to see a gigantic greek warship with the words 'The Argo III' on the sides. It was the sails that caught Hermione's attention, though. One was pitch-black with a skull and crossbones on it. Above that was a purple sail with the words SPQR. On the other side of the ship were 2 huge sails. One was orange with a Pegasus and the words CHB, and the other was sea-blue with a white temple and the words Camp Olympus on it. On the deck, a bunch of people with flowing capes were scrambling around, calling to each other and sometimes hitting each other as well. The ship floated down to the ground and a gangplank lowered. Hermione and Ron instinctively studied their uniforms. They all wore white button-up shirts and blue jeans. For some reason, the girls didn't wear skirts. Sewn onto their sleeves were what looked ranks. A short girl with a punk look had a silver circle with purple, navy blue and orange stripes, while the taller, Spanish looking girl beside her had a gold circle with navy blue and silver stripes. One of the boys, who had blonde hair and stormy eyes had a gold circle with purple, orange, navy blue and black stripes. Another had a gold circle with just purple, navy blue and orange stripes. Two of them had gold stripes with only navy blue on them. A gothic-looking Italian boy had a black circle with orange, navy blue and purple stripes. The boy beside him had a navy blue circle with orange stripes. Two girls walking hand-in-hand both had navy blue circles with white and orange stripes. An elvish-looking boy had a navy blue circle with orange and red stripes, while the girl beside him had a navy blue circle with nothing in it. What Hermione couldn't figure out was their scarves. Most had either orange or purple scarves, but one had an orange scarf with purple stripes and the other vise-versa. They other thing both Ron and Hermione couldn't figure out was their capes. They seemed to have houses like Hogwarts, but more than just 4.

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