Chapter 24

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Decided to post a song with this chapter. It's When It Rains by Paramore. I thought it fit well for how May feels toward Madison in this chapter.

May wiped away her tears as she stood in the front yard. She had watched Madison disappear on her bike. She considered getting hers and going after her but decided that wouldn't be smart and instead gave her space. When almost half an hour had passed though, May knew something was wrong.

Her parents were still in town and they took the only car. Besides, even if she could drive, she had no idea where to look. She sighed and called Max. 

He answered on just the second ring. "Hello? May, what's wrong?" 

May felt more tears come at his worried tone. "Madison... We had an argument and she took off on her bike. I figured she needed space, but it's been almost half an hour and I don't know where she is. Maybe she's at the park?" 

Max replied with a long sigh. "No... I know exactly where she is. Hang tight. I'll be there in a second." 

May whispered back "okay". Ten minutes later and Max's car drove up. May quickly got in the passenger seat and buckled. He started the engine and took off, going just a little over the speed limit. 

May sniffled a few times, trying to keep back tears. "You don't think she—"

"Stop. Don't go there," he said, cutting her off. 

It wasn't long before they arrived at Second Chance Baptist. May frowned as she got out. "A church? Why here?" 

Max crossed his arms as he joined her side. "This is where she takes off to every day at school," he paused, opening the door to let her in, "she comes here to relax. There's a storage room with an old piano that she likes to go play." 

May's frown deepened. "She plays?! How did she learn to do that?!" 

Max glanced at her and smiled slightly. "She taught herself. And yes, she plays. Beautifully." 

May's face warmed at the obvious admiration on his face as he led her to the storage room. Once they reached the door, they saw the door was wide open.

May and Max shared a look. She was definitely in there. May started to step in, but he held out his arm, stopping her.

"Maddie! It's Max. Your sister and I are here..." no response, "we know you're in there... I promise, neither of us are mad at you. Just come out." Still, silence. Max closed his eyes and let out a deep groan. He turned to May and whispered for her to wait here. 

She nodded, feeling her stomach twist. She watched him disappear into the room and felt her heart drop when he whispered:

"Oh God..." 

May ran forward, but Max caught her in the doorway, pushing her back into the hallway. Seeing the tears in his eyes brought tears to her own. 

"Don't go in there, May. We need to call the ER."


Madison felt herself falling. Her heart sinking as her body flew rapidly towards the unknown. She screamed as she fell, reaching for the cliff above her. But it was to no avail.

She hit rock hard ground with a painful thud, taking the breath right out of her. She clenched her eyes in pain, struggling to get her breathing under control. Slowly, she sat up and looked around.

She was in a narrow valley between two mountains. She looked up at the cliff above her, trying to ignore her injuries and wounds. But that was easier said than done.

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