Important Announcement

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After much painful deliberation, I've decided not to release the sequel to Monster In My Head. I had all intentions to, and I know this is a disappointment to you guys.

I worked really hard on the sequel, trying to perfect it, but the whole time, it just didn't feel right. Monster In My Head was the story closest to my heart, and the sequel was the farthest. My heart just wasn't in it.

And I think that's a sign that it's best to leave Monster In My Head as a standalone, as it was originally intended. I hope this doesn't make anyone too mad at me, but I would rather disappoint some people and keep this story in tact, then ruin it with the sequel. 

The sequel is never as good as the original anyways XD. And I really don't want to make the same mistake many have in tarnishing the original story just to prolong it. 

I really do think I have made the right decision, and I hope you guys can trust me on that. I'm going to take down the sneak peek as well, so I don't confuse new readers. Thank you for all of your support and understanding :)

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