Vigilante Chronicles #10: Electro (Part 2)

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(No One's POV)

(Listen to song while reading for a better experience)

(P.S. I will occasionally put music/videos into chapters for you to listen to while reading. I like to do this to set the mood or to make a fight I write about more exciting. Just thought I'd make that clear if anyone didn't understand why I did that in the past.)

--Dr. Connors's Lab--

It was dark now and it was about to rain at any minute now outside. In the lab, Dr. Connors, his assistant, Goro, and his wife, Dr. Maya, worked to think of a way to cure Max's overcharged body. They heard of a scuffle between an electrified individual, the pro hero, Death Arms, and the vigilante, Spider-Man. They assumed it was Max but there was little they could accomplish by going out there and looking for him. The best thing they could do is find a cure as soon as possible, then find Max to administer it, but they felt like time was running thin. F/N had yet to arrive.

Goro: "Could we put Max in a tank and use a bio-electric filter to siphon off the electricity from his body?"

Dr. Connors: "Not likely. The eels in the tank evolved to exist in an aquatic environment. Max didn't."

Dr. Maya: "With the voltage Max is currently generating, it'd be dangerous. You wouldn't want him anywhere near water. Besides, it might not permanently solve the issue. It could potentially slow him down, but the longer his body and quirk is powered up, the more it will adapt to its new power until that's Max's new normal level of voltage... a far cry from the tiny sparks he used to produce."

The lights began to flicker in the building and everyone looked around. All of a sudden, a burst of electricity broke the double doors into the lab off of their hinges. Max was here and it appeared that his mental state was deteriorating more and more as he continued to feel desperate. 

Max: "Connors!"

Goro: "Max, calm down."

Max: "Shut up, Goro!"

Dr. Connors: "Max, I'm right here. Listen to Goro. Just breathe."

Max's voice toed the line between anger and stress. His voice broke a bit as he pleaded for Connors.

Max: "No! No more of people telling me to relax! Nobody knows what this feels like. I can't take it anymore doc. You caused this. You cure it!"

Dr. Connors: "We're doing our best, Max. It will take time."

Max: "I don't have time! Cure me, now!"

He shot a bolt of lightning through the lab, breaking part of the wall and the equipment around it.

Max: "Before I start enjoying this power."

Goro: "Max, what are you talking about! You're scaring us. We're people who care about your well being."

Max: "For the first time in my life people can't just walk all over me. My weak quirk has become supercharged with this accident! My potential may be unlimited. I can feel all the power in the city. I'm beginning to, no no! I can't be!"

Dr. Maya: "Max, please. The electricity is effecting your mind. It's making you think things you don't want to. The stress, the anxiety, the anger, the euphoria. All due to chemicals firing off in your brain because of the overwhelming voltage."

Goro: It's like his mind is split. At first, all he wanted to do was go back to normal. But now he sees that this power can benefit him. He was an ordinary citizen before this, but he might see this power as a way to make himself better than others. That line of thought could be dangerous.

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