the storm

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 I was at work the next day, my hands typing down onto the laptop. I woke up today feeling weirdly sad, my anxiety was above the roof and it took me so much effort to get off the bed. I decided to bring Sporter to work today, slightly grateful that my work was lenient. It was internet based, and all I had to do today was finalize contract and reports. A soft sigh left my lips as I leaned against my chair. Sporter gave me a lick, the guy was sleeping under my desk and he reeked of wet mud from the rain outside. I usually cleaned him right after but the justification that he would get a bath anyway stopped me.

"How are you doing there, buddy?" I asked, scratching under his chin as he looked up at me with his droopy lips and big eyes.

"Sleepy? Sleepy?" I repeated softly. "Go to sleep."

I stared at the window, watching the rain pour down and the gloominess of the atmosphere seemed to bring me down more. I sighed, sitting up before looking at the clock. I calculated the time hours and decided it was time for me to see how Kai was. I knew he was probably sleeping, the time difference was huge- but I missed him so much. All I wanted to do was hear his voice.

I stood up and kicked off my heels before moving towards the phone that was charging by the lamp. I unplugged it and brought it back to my table just to notice it vibrating, a frown evident on my face when I saw the amount of notifications. Weirdly, the notifications weren't from someone I knew on messenger. A smile spread across from my face when I saw that some were from Kai, my fingers opening up KaKaotalk first. The yellow colored background blinded my eyes momentarily and I went back to my desk scanning his messages.

"I'm going to sleep, baby."

"I miss you so much. Sometimes I don't know what to do."

"I love you so much."

"Idiot." I sighed, my fingers pressing onto the screen to text him back when another notification came up, this time from instagram. I texted him back that I loved him and slowly closed instagram, a sudden dark feeling coming over my stomach. I had no reason to feel this way, it was probably the stress. I had recently felt so jumpy every time I got a new notification, work was stressful like that.

"You have one message request."

Probably one of those girls who want to gain more followers on instagram, I thought. My finger pressed onto the messages to go to see an instagram message from a girl who I thought looked familiar. It wasn't only that she looked familiar, her name was also familiar. Kim Jinah- I racked my brains, wondering where I heard her name from before. Shaking my head that maybe I'd find out on my own, I pressed into it and my heart dropped to my feet.

It started off very nice, very detailed. With pictures that I didn't want to see.

"Hi, you must be Kai's girlfriend. I come with good intentions."

"My name is Kim Jinah. I think Kai would have told you about me. I dated Kai for 8 years before we broke up back in 2017."

My hands shook as I scrolled down to a photo of a young Kai and her. It was like reading a story I didn't want to read. I bit my lip, my heart racing. Kai had told me about her, I knew all about their long term relationship. I knew how it ended. I had seen the picture before. I had seen it as he opened it up and told me that she was his first love but he spoke of it so casually.

"You must be wondering why I'm texting you. I met Kai a month ago while he was here and I don't know if something sparked or not, but I'm sorry to inform you that he told me that you guys were done."

I had to sit down for this, my legs gave way as I leaned against the wall and slid down onto the floor.

"We never did anything, but he did take me out on a couple of dates. They were dinner dates and we would reminisce about the past and we would have so much fun." A photo of disneyland, dinner dates, and both of them opening a bottle of wine.

"I decided to text you because Kai is beside me right now. We have never been intimate until last night I had a rough day and I called him up. He said he would be right over and he was. We drank and ended up in my apartment."

This might not be true. This might be a jealous ex-girlfriend.

"I ended up sleeping with him and while he was asleep last night, you texted him."

I texted him, "Goodmorning from my side, baby. Can't wait to talk to you tonight."

"You texted him good morning and that you couldn't wait to talk to him. That's when I figured out you both were still committed to one another. I'm so sorry, I wouldn't have done anything if I knew. I honestly thought he was single and old flames die hard. If you think I'm lying, here is a video from last night."

No, no, no, no, no- but I pressed it anyway. "Say fuck your job!" Kai was saying, and his eyes had a certain type of energy I didn't see while he was talking to me on the phone. The tears then started coming, my lips trembled but I refused to give in. He cheated. He cheated. MY Kai cheated except he wasn't mine anymore.

"Fuck my job!" Jinah said back and it was obvious they were drunk. He laughed and when he turned, their lips connected and I felt sick.

"He's right he beside me, and one again, I'm sorry if I hurt you. I wasn't intending to be a homewrecker."

A photo of him, sleeping so peacefully, his arm around her as she was snuggly fit against him. But in the photo she was smiling and I didn't know if her intentions were really good. 


I forgot to mention that this was supposed to be a short story but apparently it became a one shot to a 14 shot. Exactly like me and alcohol!

KAI x YOU  (Short Story, Break up and Make up Ver.)Where stories live. Discover now