the future

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5 Years After

One might say that five years is a long time- but to me, five years passed by like a whirlwind. I mumbled to myself as I rummaged through the small suitcase I brought to the luxury resort my company has designed, trying to find the hair curler that seemed to disappear in sight. With a huff, I decided to just gather all the strands and tied it into a bun in hopes that when I undo the bun, my hair will be curly. I glanced at the time and realized at it was already 7pm, and the party was almost starting. Swearing at my own lack of time management, I decided to start on my make up,

The company was having their 50th anniversary party in this resort. It's been 5 years and my career is now at it's peak. I climbed my way up into main architect to now to-be director of the company. I was turning from an architect to a business woman and I had no idea if I enjoyed the transition- but one thing I was certain of was that I was living a good life. I haven't seen Kai or kept in touch with him and sometimes my mind would wander to the night where I last saw him and I would wonder what kind of life I would be living if had gotten back to him.

I applied blush lightly to the apples of my cheeks when a knock sounded and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I knew who it was, I knew my friends well just by the way their walk sounded or by how they opened doors. Counting the seconds by routine, the door then opened and walked in Baekhyun with a bunch of flowers.

"Aigoo, the special guest of tonight getting ready. You look good." He commented.

"I'm still wearing a bathrobe, Oppa."

He shrugged, placing the roses on the table before handing me a small box. Lowering his head, he pressed a kiss on my cheek.

"Happy birthday, princess."

A sudden look of shock flashed through my face before I grabbed my phone and checked the date. It really was my birthday. I was so busy planning my projects that I had forgotten that I was one more year older and closer to thirty.

"Oppa!" I gasped, turning to him. "Oh my god, I forgot! Does that mean?" I motioned to the flowers.

"Okay. The flowers are from mystery boy. The small box though, is from me to you." He flashed me a smiled and I felt a familiar sense of comfort from the smell of the roses.

Every year the past 5 years I have gotten roses for my birthday with a card either wishing me the best or quotes from love songs. I have never found out who the sender but I had always thought that maybe it was just a foolish secret admirer. With a smile, I opened the card that was attached to the roses and read it.

"Just want to remind you how much I love you. Happy birthday."

It was a simple message but I also wondered who this stranger was, sending me flowers and telling me he or she loved me without ever showing who they were. I smiled and sniffed the roses again just to hear Baekhyun clear his voice.

"Of course, swoon over the roses. Don't care that I actually bought you a gift." He scoffed and I turned to him, beaming before opening his present.

In the box was a necklace in the shape of a time turner. It was small and delicate, with a hint of small gems surrounding its frame. I gasped, taking it out before turning around- Baekhyun coming closer to fasten it for me.

"Oppa, it's beautiful. Thank you so much." I smiled at him, turning and grabbing him around the waist before giving him a little squeeze. "Ugh, I'm so grateful for you."

"You're welcome." He smiled and patted my head. "Aigoo. Look at you, so grown up. When are you going to get married so I can walk you down the aisle instead of your father?" He joked and I rolled my eyes.

"Not any time soon, Oppa. I haven't dated any one for 6 years. Don't think I will be dating anyone soon." I told him when another knock sounded on the door and Baekhyun yelled out "Come in!"

I already knew who it was and like I expected, Yixing walked in with a cleanly pressed suit, his eyes sparkling. He gave me a wink and I squealed, running towards him even before he had his arms wide apart. I leapt at him, hugging him tightly.

"Yixing! You're back! How was China? I've missed you!"

"That wasn't the same reaction I got." Baekhyun complained and I turned to glare at him before turning back to Yixing.

"Hey, hey, hey there tiger." Yixing laughed and hugged me back, before pulling away to give me a box. "Of course I'm back. I couldn't miss your award ceremony. Besides, I heard there would be an auction today. Also.. Happy birthday."

I nodded. One of the company's activities in the party was auctioning people for dates and all the money earned was to go to a charity. All the girls in our offices, including me and the secretaries were part of the auction.

"There is. What if no one bids for me?" I asked nervously and Yixing tsked.

"That's why me and Baekhyun are here. If no one auctions for you, we'll both auction for you." He winked and I laughed, hugging him again.

Yixing was at China for the past two months and I had grown to love and cherish the moments with him. I enjoyed being in his company and even though I knew deep down Yixing was still in love with me, I couldn't cut off the friendship. Instead, I encouraged him to go on dates and was there to support him whenever he needed me.

"Mystery person gave you a rose?" Yixing asked, going to sit on the bed before looking at the roses.

"Yeah." I answered, opening Yixing's present. I gave another loud squeal and ran over to hug him again, talking him onto the bed.

"That also wasn't the same reaction I got when you saw my present." Baekhyun grumbled idly in the background.

Yixing had gotten me the first edition book of one of my favorite stories. I had mentioned it to him before but I didn't know that he would actually go out of his way to find it. He laughed and hugged me back as I sat back up and opened book, my heart soaring.

"Thank you so much, Yixing. And you too, Oppa." I told to Baekhyun, a hand reaching up to touch the necklace. "I'm so lucky."

"Awww. Look at her being grateful." Baekhyun cooed before sitting down on the chair.

"Who are your dates tonight?" I asked, turning to the two men. Yixing shifted and reached for his phoneto pull up a photo.

"This girl." He said and I looked at her before raising an eyebrow in question. "I mean, I invited her here, I really like her."

"Awww, Yixing!" I hugged him again, very happy at the words coming out of his mouth. "I'm so happy for you. I'm sure she's great and I can't wait to meet her."

Yixing had always told me how he was in love with me and I had always tried to tell him that as much as I loved him, I didn't love him like that. I was happy that at least he had finally found someone he was interested in. He nodded to my words and pocketed his phone.

"Well, get ready. I'll be outside with Baekhyun. We'll go to the party together."

"I don't have a date tonight, if anyone cares." Baekhyun pointed out.

I shook my head. "I already knew that because you believe that if you go to a party with a date you can't hook up with anyone in the party." I pointed out and Baekhyun laughed.

"Of course. No one knows me like you do."

The boys left and I turned to look at the mirror before finishing my make up. For some reason, my mind wandered to Kai, who I haven't seen in a while. I wondered where he was, what he was doing, if he was married.


The past is the past.

But for some reason, I still could not let go.


KAI x YOU  (Short Story, Break up and Make up Ver.)Where stories live. Discover now