| 9: Duel against a Powerful Pig |

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You and Skeppy continue walking through the ice covered caves, until you reach a large area which resembles an arena. The walls are covered with snow and ice, but the ceiling is exposed, revealing a dark cloudy sky. Technoblade stands in the center of the arena, expecting you.

"I think this is where I have to leave you..", Skeppy says sadly.

He turns around and walks away. Now you're all alone. You step closer to Technoblade. TommyInnit stands next to him.

"You've finally arrived. This, is the end of the Antarctic area. I don't really have jurisdiction over the areas ahead", Techno tells you in his deep voice.

He looks at Tommy.

"Step aside, this'll be a one on one", He says to him.

Tommy steps back to watch. He seems a bit disappointed.

"Oh come on! Are you sure?"

Techno nods his head silently. Tommy crosses his arms and sighs. Techno turns back to face you.

"Your journey through this Kingdom won't be an easy one. Even if you do defeat me, there'll be more people up ahead", he tells you.

"But those people won't have to do anything. Because I'll end your journey here".

Techno reaches onto his back, and grabs a large diamond sword. He pulls it in front of him, and holds it tight. You pull out your iron sword, and you both face each other.

Insert Epic Battle Music

Techno strikes first. He swings his sword violently at you. You barely dodge it, and decide to swing back. He blocks it with his sword, and you pull back. He stabs his sword in your direction and you step back to avoid it. He seems impressed.

You swing back at him again, but he blocks it. He's only using 1 arm to hold his sword, it's almost like he's trying to show off. He retaliates by pushing you back, and now you're the one blocking. Eventually he stops and steps back a little.

"This isn't going anywhere!", Tommy complains.

You almost forgot he was there. Suddenly Tommy pulls out his own sword, and steps in. This doesn't seem fair.

Techno tries to motion Tommy to stop, but Tommy either didn't listen or didn't even see it. Tommy raises his sword in the air before swinging it down at you. Luckily you block it, before Techno swings his sword. You pull back your sword from blocking Tommy to then block Techno. Tommy swings his sword again but instead you simply step back to dodge.

"This doesn't seem fair!", you yell.

"Well it wasn't fair when you ran away all the time!", Tommy yelled back.

Techno stays silent as he starts walking up to you. He grips his sword still in one hand, and swings again.
You move your sword to block it, but it was merely a diversion. Techno instantly pulled his sword back and struck you, and you fall back.

TommyInnit stands back and watches as Techno looks down at you.

"The Legend ends here", he says coldly.

Techno raises his sword in the air, and is about to swing it down at you when suddenly-

"What the?"

Skeppy ran in with his sword, and he stands in front of you, blocking Techno.

"Skeppy? What are you doing?", Techno asks him.

"Cut it out you- you pig!", Skeppy yells at him.

Techno rolls his eyes, and steps back. You stand back up. Now it's a fair fight.

~The Muffin Chronicles~ (MCYT Undertale Inspired AU)Where stories live. Discover now