Chapter 55: Ice Haven

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A gentle breeze swept on the snow-covered dust on the ground, revealing thick ice. Clouds parted from the sky, allowing the sun's rays to simmer. Polar bears traveled across the land until they came across a pond. Before they could take a drink, sudden steams startled them. A spiral horn surfaced from the water; more emerged as whales bobbed their heads.

The wind picked up the snow in a swirling motion until a portal appeared. Carrie, Orchid, and Kim emerged from the entryway.

Kim rubbed both her arms. "Man, it's friggin' cold! We should've brought warm clothes!"

Carrie did the same. "You weren't complaining about the cold when we were at the Himalayas."

"Point taken." Kim jumped when a hand grabbed her shoulder. Hisako appeared beside her, still swaying side to side while holding her weapon. Kim placed her hand on her chest. "Geez, Hisako, you'd think I'd get used to your sneaky appearance by now."

Hisako pointed at something. The women followed the line of sight towards a wrecked ship from a distance. "Kiba ga arimasu. Watashi wa kare no sonzai o kanjimashita."*

"Let's go. Tusky better not dismiss us this time," Kim said. As the group headed to the ship, Carrie kept her eyes on the ground.

"Something on your mind, Carrie?" Orchid asked.

"When I met Tusk, I sensed a deep sorrow in him."

"He's just moody," Kim implied. "Are you saying he doesn't want to be the Watchman of the Gods?"

"No. More like Tusk hates life."

"Well, being immortal does have its drawbacks, but he shouldn't hate life. More reason I stand by what I mentioned earlier."

The group got closer to the warship, which resembled one used by Vikings. Torn sails flapped gently from the breeze. Two dead warriors lay on the ground, frozen.

Tusk stood before the ship. His sword remained plunged to the ground. His back faced the group as though unaware of their presence.

"He seems deep in thought," Carrie said.

*"Tasuku wa shadourōdo no tesaki to tatakatte kare ni tōtatsu suru tame ni ofu ni natte imasu. Kare no doryoku wa mudada to kanjite, kare wa koko ni kite shinimashita," Hisako said.

Yeo emerged from Kim in his dragon form. "She says Tusk was trying to reach Gargos by fighting his minions, but to no avail. Now he's here, brooding on death."

"Well, I'm about to get him out of that phase." Kim approached the immortal warrior. "Tusk?"

He remained in his position. "Sought me out, eh, and with your friends, no less? War-gram informed me of your presence."

"From our last meeting, you mentioned Gargos has something you want. What is it?"

Tusk sighed, still staring into space. "A dark gift...the eternal slumber that comes to all mortals."

"How could you consider death? You must keep fighting!"

"I visited Kan-Ra in my quest. He informed me that Gargos and I were born as equals. All he needs now is my blade to be omnipotent."

"And you believe him?"

"I don't need the words of a sorcerer to know my fate. Gargos is the only one to grant me death. I'm...I'm just sick of this life."

"So your salvation is more important than the fate of billions? That's the most selfish excuse I've heard in my life! You know what...." Kim scooped a pile of snow, meld it into a ball, and threw it at Tusk. The snowball hit its mark as silence lingered, apart from the wind.

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