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He was an advertizer for Mocha Fitness Club and Spa. And you were the owner.

"PARK JIMIN, get your petty ads here", you shouted

He arrived shortly, face all flushed and lips really pink and plump. You shook your head slightly to dispel the sexy image he was projecting at the moment.

"Did you just say pretty ass?", he whispered almost seductively.

You gave him a glare, a really hard stare that said you could kill a cock with your bare hands. Perhaps he read the meaning, a little too accurately because he immediately went silent.

"You called me ma'am?", he asked instead

"Yes I did. Have a seat"

He took a seat on the chair just in front of your desk and avoided looking directly into your eyes. You cleared your throat and licked your suddenly dry lips.

"How do you intend to promote the spa and fitness club?"

"I was thinking of hiring someone to take care of the pedestrians on the sidewalk just in front of the building. A handsome, well-buit package of a man is bound to get the ladies wanting to pay more attention to their health"

You took a careful look at him, he was handsome and he looked well-built. No, you have NOT seen his body.

Another lick of your lips.

"Do one thing...", he raised an eyebrow as you said that and you nearly faltered but you went on anyway "...get up and pull your shirt up"

Jimin was caught off guard for a second, surprise overtaking his features as he contemplated your crazy and definitely not ordinary request.

He did it anyway. Getting up and slowly pulling up the tip of his shirt to reveal his well toned abdomen and rock hard abs.

How does he have abs?.Does he work out?

"Satisfied ma'am?", he asked. Your tongue was literally tied in your mouth so you nodded positively. Your mind was screaming at you, denying that you wanted those delicious abs to be covered once again.

However, seconds later, the shirt was released and your eyes lifted slowly to look up at him.

"You've got the job Mr PARK, you're our new sidewalk model. Make sure you bring thousands of females in. You start tomorrow"

He nodded with a smile, asking if there was anything else. When you shook your head no, he swiftly left your office, a bright smile plastered on his features.

The next day was a NIGHTMARE!

Yes, you were happy after a few ladies walked in but that feeling slowly turned to annoyance and then full blown jealousy when you saw them ogling Jimin.

Jimin himself wasn't helping matters at all. He was in black shorts and a black lace singlet, smiling and flirting with them.

"Excuse me ladies", you said through gritted teeth, pulling Jimin to the side.

"What are you doing?", you asked

He shrugged, "making them feel welcome so they'll stay",

Your eyes narrowed, "oh, you're doing more than that Jimin!"

He shook his head, "ma'am, you should be happy that more clients are coming in. This is actually more than we could have expected on our first day"

You sighed
"Fine, proceed with your work, that's what I pay you to do"

Jimin smiled, walking away from you towards a small group of women. You cleared your throat and headed towards another group.

"Hello ladies, welcome to Mocha FSC.", you greeted cheerfully.

"Sorry, but we'd like to train with that delectable trainer", one lady said.

You gave a sickeningly fake sweet smile, turning to find Jimin enjoying the company of the group he was in and the women smiling as well. Their hands were roaming his shoulder and arms. Even their eyes were shamelessly roaming down his body.

And the idiot was smirking!

You took a deep breath to calm yourself and turned to the group of women beside you,
"Excuse me ladies, I'm the CEO and I want personally train you"

You finished with a smile

"No thanks, that employee will do just fine", another lady supplied.

You left their midst with a groan. You grabbed Jimin rudely and pulled him aside again.

"Well?", he asked.

"They all wanna train with you. All thirty of them"

He shrugged, "it's fine"

You cocked an eyebrow and prayed for patience.

"Okay, fine. I'll be in my office", you said and stomped away.

Jimin grinned behind you, "Alright ladies...lets burn some calories"

The next day was worse.

A bunch of twenty women, claiming their friends recommended the club to them joined, taking the total to fifty.

And they all wanted to train with Jimin.

Isn't Jimin a favourite trainer now?

Seriously...what is it with women and hot guys?

It literally got bad on the third day, the total county was now seventy.
All women.

Not a single man.

Maybe asking Jimin to be the sidewalk model was a mistake.

Jealousy sliced into you as you watched him from your office window. He was patiently explaining something to a redhead and you wanted to wring her neck.

Just then, Jimin stole a glance up, eyes meeting yours briefly before you broke the contact and angrily pulled the curtains.

Jimin his a smile.

At the end of the week, the count had shot up to hundred.

Good money.

Maybe it wasn't a bad idea after all. If only your traitorous emotions could understand that!

Once again, you called Jimin into your office.
"Jimin, please take a seat"

He did, staring at your face the entire time.

A few women ogled you and now you've gotten bold because you think you're now some kind of a chick magnet!

"Jimin...i think I'll be safe to bring in more men into the club now. For that we'll need a female sidewalk model"

He nodded in agreement, "I may be able to find a candidate on short notice"

You shook your head slightly
"Don't worry Jimin,I think I got that covered", a sinister smile spread across your lips as you said that.

"I know the perfect candidate for the job!"

Author's note.

I hope this didn't take to long, enjoy reading it. Spoiler alert!, there's a part 2. ❤.

PJM Oneshots (18+)Where stories live. Discover now