chapter 1: black butler. here we come!

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" Are you ready (f/n)?" I asked as the portal was starting to close up.


Before we knew it we had jumped through the portal and we're falling into the dark abyss. I made sure to keep a tight hold on her hand.

I noticed an opening that we were about to fall through I braced myself for the landing. When I opened my eyes I noticed we were in an ally way. I noticed that (f/n) looked a little confused.

"Where are we? " she asked.

" let's check it out." I said as I pulled her up to her feet.

We than stepped out of the alley and noticed a lot of people dressed in Victorian era style dresses. Which concluded my theory. Our dimension universe portal machine had worked. I call it D.U.P.M 

"(y/n)? Did it work? " asked (f/n).

" Yep. But before we celebrate first we have to get some cash. " I said as I looked around.

"Why? And how. "

" even though we have our lunch boxes we still need some to buy some goods. "

"Such as? "

" dude guess?  We're in black butler which means Ciel's candy shops are somewhere around here. And I really want to taste it. " I said cheerfully.

" alright fine. But then we'll go meet undertaker. Right? " she asked. Which I responded to with a nod.

" Alright! Let's go! " she said rather loudly.

" alright but keep it down. You sound like a kid whose high on candy. " I said.

" oh shut up." she said with a pouty face.

As we walked through town a little I finally chose a spot to set my plan in motion. I noticed the disgusted looks some people were starting to give us. Which I ignored. I never cared what people think. What mattered was my own opinion.

" Aright let's begin. "I said as we finally stopped.

"Your plan is..... " she questioned.

" Preforming. " I said with a 'due' face.

I than put my bag down than pulled out my mini speaker and iPhone connected to the speaker using bluetooth I than scrolled down my music list. Than looked at (f/n).

" What song do we dance to?" I asked.

She placed her bag down and took of her jacket and tied it around her waist. Which I did so we could match a little. Except mine was black and hers was grey. We were wearing denim jeans black combat boots and (f/band) T-shirt. Just in different colors.

" give me options."

" Juicy, Boss bitch, lean on and Yummy. " I said as I randomly thought out.

" Imma go with lean on by Major Lazer." she said as she presumed position. (a/n: I was listening to it while typing this.😊)

I noticed a few people start to gather wondering what we were doing. I than tapped the screen which started the song. I made sure to place a hat near the speaker.

Do you recall that long ago.
We would walk on the side walk.
In a sense remember!
All we did was care for each other.
But the night was warm.
We were bold and young.

All around. The wind blows.
We would only hold on to let go.
Blow kiss. Fire gun.
We would need someone to lean on
Blow kiss. Fire gun.
All we need is somebody to lean on
Blow kiss. Fire gun.
We would need someone to lean on
Blow kiss. Fire gun.

All we need is somebody to lean on

-music chores-

What will we do
When we get old
Will we walk down the same road
Will you be there by my side
Standing strong as the waves role over
But the nights are long.                            Longing for you to come home

All around the wind blows
We would hold on to let go

Blow kiss. Fire gun.
We would need someone to lean on.
Blow kiss. Fire gun.
All we need is somebody to lean.
Blow kiss. Fire gun.
We would need someone to lean on.
Blow kiss. Fire gun.

All we need is somebody to lean on.

-music chores-

All we need is somebody to lean on.

-music chores-

(we would need somebody to lean on)

-music chores-

Blow kiss. Fire gun.
We would need someone to lean on
Blow kiss. Fire gun.
All we need is somebody to lean on.
Blow kiss. Fire gun.
We would need someone to lean on.
Blow kiss. Fire gun.

All we need is somebody to lean on.
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh.

When we finished dancing the crowd applauded our performance and dropped a few coins in the hat. As our reward. We than packed up and headed to our next stop which would be the undertakers parlor.

I can't wait to meet him 😀

Were stuck in black butler!!!!!!! Where stories live. Discover now