chapter 3: snooz fest

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Your p.o.v

As we were technically being dragged into the undertakers parlor he finally let us go but I had a feeling it was temporary. I looked and noticed that madam Red and Lau along with Grell were already here and it seems they were intrigued by the undertaker coming out of the coffin.

I stiffeld a chuckle at there expression I noticed that (f/n) had a smile that could almost resemble undertaker. I made sure to walk over to her and hold her hand. Cause I had a feeling she was stopping herself from pouncing on the poor man.

"Well if it isn't the young Earl. Are you here to try out one of me coffins. " said undertaker with he's usual Cheshire grin.

And (f/n) jugging by her grip she was doing the best she can to not to scream. But what she did caught me by surprise in a split second I noticed she wasn't next to me anymore.

"(f/n)?" I questioned as looking around until I noticed she.... Was in the air.

The last thing I saw was (f/n) giving the undertaker a bear hug that could probably squeeze the life out of the man.

"OMG!!! I can't believe I'm actually hugging the Undertaker!!! Best day ever!!! " she said making sure to keep a secure hold on the reaper.

Me? on the other hand. I was in my emo corner silently dying. Making sure to cover my disappointment. Because my best friend would probably spill the beans about who we are and where we came from. I should have re-thought my options of blowing our cover.

" hehehehe it seems I have a fan. How interesting. Hhehehe." chucked the undertaker as he returned the hug my friend was giving him.

The rest of the people in the room were giving me the 'WTF is wrong with your friend' look. I just looked at the ceiling and pretended to know nothing. But spoke to ease the tension.

" Sorry Mr undertaker my friend is a little high on sugar." I said scratching my head.

" It's quite alright she's really amusing... Now back to my payment. " he said almost making it look like nothing happened.

" The past murders do you know anything about them?" asked Ciel.

" Oh I do. But in exchange for Information you have to give me what I want. " the undertaker said with a creepy smile.

" Oh I see so you're mortician cover is just a show your real job is to give information. Well I'm sure whatever price you want we'll make sure to-" said Lau. But was cut off when undertaker suddenly appeared in front of him.

When he heard what he said he's smile immediately dropped replaced with a scowl. Jugging by he's reaction he's not really a fan of the queen. I don't blame him I feel the same way.

"I have no need for the queens money. There is only one thing I want my lord... Tell me a joke! Oh it has to be funny or I ain't telling you anything. " he said rather.... (I can't explain the scene.)

"oh. If a joke is what you want then I have one that will surely make you laugh. On which side does a tiger have the most stripes. On the outside. Haha." said Lau.

The joke wasn't even close to funny. None of us even found it a little funny. I sweat drop at he's attempt. Next in line was Madame Red. I made sure to cover (f/n)'s ears cause I didn't want her to hear this. She looked at me and immediately got the idea.

" if it's a laugh you want than I got the latest gossip that will surely make you laugh. So you see-" (and I'm not gonna say what happened get the Giff.)

As she was busy spilling some *cough * colorful *cough* information I noticed that (f/n) covered Ciel's ears which he didn't object to her doing. I was a little surprised when I felt two gloved hands covering my ears. I looked and noticed that it was Sebastian. I mimicked a thank you which he returned with a closed eye smile.

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