chapter 4 : dreams are a warning in deascise.

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Y/n's p.o.v


" y/n. You have to learn to control yourself. Look what you did." said sensei as he noticed the broken glass of water on the water.

I looked at my hand and noticed that my hand was bleeding but I felt no pain at all in a way I felt like time had stopped...

The scenery around me changed and I noticed that sensei's body was lying lifelessly on the ground. I ran up to him and tried to wake him up but he didn't respond... I noticed that I was covered in blood when I looked around I saw that the blood belonged to him.

I cried as I saw that there was nothing to do. I couldn't do anything to save him.

" Sensei...*sob* ....sensei!!!.... No. No. No. No. Please... *sob*."

"It's all your fault!!! "

A voice screamed from around me I couldn't deny it's accusation cause deep down inside I knew it was my fault.

" You should have just killed yourself!!! When you had the chance!!!"

"stop... Please... Stop.... Please... " I whined as I tried to shut the voices out.

Dream over-

I felt myself being woken up by someone I opened my eyes and noticed that I was in an unfamiliar room on a really soft bed I started to panic until I noticed that (f/n) was sitting right next to me. With a worried expression. She was the closest thing next to me so I gave her a tight hug.

" (y/n) it's alright! It was just a dream. " she said rubbing circles on my back. I took deep breaths and finally let her go.

" Where are we? " I said looking around for an explanation.

" where in one of the guest rooms in the town house. Sebastian must have put us here when we fell asleep."

" how did you know that? "

" Easy. He locked the doors so we couldn't get out. Typical. "

I slightly chuckled then looked at the ceiling than thought back to the dream... It gave me the chills to remember what had happened. I slightly panicked when I remembered about my marking on my right upper back shoulder.  And realized that my shirt was covering it perfectly.

It was something that I didn't want people to see. Only (f/n) knew about it. Due to our sacred bond between us. I would call it a contract but it would sound too formal. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door being opened. By non other than the Butler himself. He seemed to have brought two cups of tea along with him.

" Ahh. Your finally awake. Would you like some tea. " he asked.

" Sure. Why not. " I said with sarcasm in my tone. But still kept a calm expression.

" After the young master is done discussing business with madam Red and Lau he would  like to discuss the case with the two of you and the ball were attending tomorrow night. " he said as he was pouring a cup for me and (f/n).

" Alright then. Come get us when he's ready. " I said after I whispered a little thank you for the tea and so did (f/n) he then bowed and was about to leave. But without looking back I managed to get he's attention.

" No need to be so formal Sebbs. In a way it scares me. " I said with a slight shiver.

I could sense him smearking behind me before he left. And the thing that popped in my mind was 'cheeky bustered' I thought.
I than heard him lock the door once more.
I than sighed heavily and put the empty cup of tea down since I technically gulped it down.

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