chapter 11 : Drekai

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A/n: pic above isn't mine. But I'm borrowing it for this chapter. That's my own oc by the way. I'll be putting him in the story at some point.

Chapter 11

F/n pov.

So. After (y/n) left unexpectedly. I roomed with Mey-rin. At some point we woke up and discovered that James was dead. I just stood there and looked at the body with a slight sadness. I found it sad that he died due to the fact that he was the perfect bate.I was about to head to the other but stopped when I heard a familiar voice. Right next to me.

" What's up? " asks (y/n).

" Where the heck have you been!?" I asked her completely ignoring her question.

" I was just. Taking a nap in the trees. " she said quite bluntly.

" Why the heck would you do that? It was raining outside. "

" I wanted to see if I could catch a glimpse of Pluto." she said with a shrug.

" Did you see anything? " I asked.

" Yep. " She said with a smug face. " We played fetch. " she said simply.

" Wait what!?" I said paying more attention.

" I'll tell you later. "

Your pov~~

Flashback >>>

Dream ••••

" you know for a soul. Your quite stubborn. " said a voice that sounded within the void I was lying in the middle of.

I regained my balance and looked around. Trying to find a way out. But sadly. There was non.

" I guess you were wrong about me being weak." I said daringly.

" Your still as bold as ever. " the owner of the voice said as he formed himself through the shadows.

" Why did you bring me here? " I asked.

" It's simple really. I wanted to show you your future prison." he said with a sinister grin.

" It's quite dull. I'd add a few things to make it comfortable. " I said with no fear in my tone.

" You think? " he said sounding slightly interested .

" Yep. Think carefully."

" Your right. But that would require- wait  stop changing the subject. When will you be finished with your little wish. " he asked rather annoyed.

" Till the book ends. "

" How long will it take? " he asked.

" Three or two years. Probably four. " I said simply.

" I guess I can wait. On the other hand I am getting entertainment from your little pet. "

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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