chapter 5 : the ball

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Y/n's pov.

Me and (f/n) are silently chuckling at the events that are unfolding. For starters Ciel is wearing a dress and by the way he looks so adorable. I made sure to remind myself to take a picture of him when I have a chance. We made sure to pull a poker face to shield our laughter.

Thanks to Sebastian's help we made sure to brush off on our manners. And helped with her dancing. As we went through the plan I made sure to stay close to (f/n) knowing full well that she might wonder off.

In my mind I was silently cursing about the corsets but made sure to keep a blank expression.

" So you get the plan right. " I said looking around.

" Yep. But I'm gonna go stuff my face with some cake. See you later. " she said literally running off. Unbelievable.

I guess I'll just have to... Enjoy the party? I mean Ciel seems to have this covered so... It's kind of pointless to bring us here. But whatever. I might as well just become a wall flower.

" My my. A lady such as yourself shouldn't be sitting here all by herself. " said a very familiar voice behind me. I turned around and of course Sebastien in he's undercover outfit. Happened to be there.

I just responded with a smile. " I guess I'm not into these crowded places... Mr Michaelis. " I said with a slight British accent.

" well then if you don't mind. May I have this dance milady. "

" of course good sir. " I said with a curtsy.

He then gracefully lead me to the dance floor and in a I don't think my feet were even touching the ground. Woah.... But non the less I kept on smiling and going along with everything.

" I'm surprised that you chose me for this dance. " I said as I kept focus.

" Oh. Why is that?" he asked.

" well... There other women who are way more beautiful than me so I'm just wondering... Why not them."

" why not you?"

" ah... Touche sir... Touche. " I said as I was giving him the 'good question' look.

Time skip

After the unfortunate events that unfolded as in Ciel almost getting caught by Elizabeth and Sebastian having to cut the dance with me short to save he's ass. Not that I cared.

I than looked around and noticed that (f/n) was nowhere to be seen. Off. I looked around at the food tables and noticed that she wasn't stuffing her face. Crap where is she... Crud. I than took deep breaths and went out to the balcony. And focused on her state through our connection.

She's sleeping!? But where....

'(f/n)!? Are you there!? Wake up damn it!'

No reply.

Shit! I can't really find her immediately if she doesn't call me. I'll just have to be patient till she wakes up... Please be alright.

(f/n)'s pov.

I felt a little light headed but when I was about to move I felt like I was tied up I than noticed that I was tied up. I layed back and felt someone behind me. I took of the blind fold covering my eyes. And noticed that I was in a cage. Which meant that Ciel's the person I'm tied too.

" Ciel? " I called out in a silent tone.

" (f/n)? Is that you? " he asked.

" Yep. "

" How did you get here? "

" Note to self always stay close to (y/n) at ball parties. It's a long story. What now." I said sarcastically.

" We wait. "

I than closed my eyes and thought carefully because I knew that (y/n) would definitely kill me when she found out that I got kidnapped....again. hehehehe...(long story)

'(f/n)!? Your awake! Great. Now tell me where you are!!'

'....' I didn't answer cause I knew she was gonna probably kill me.

'Answer me!? Damn it I know you're awake!'

'I'll be fine just relax I'll be fine... Talk soon.'

'(f/n) just tell me where you are already!'

' ....'

'....fine. if that's what you want.... But call my name when your in trouble. K'

'Yes your highness.'

' Shut up.'

I felt a wave of dizziness for some reason I wasn't paying attention to what was happening around me. I knew Sebby was nocking people out. I made sure to keep my eyes open but with grate difficulty. I herd Ciel and Sebastian's voices as they were discussing the matter of the contract.

I noticed that Sebastian was pretending to pick the lock so I wouldn't be suspicious of him...yeah right. He knocked everyone out within three seconds. If that doesn't scream demon than.... I'm Superman.

" thank you Sebastian."

" Your welcome lady (f/n)." he said slightly bowing.

He then got us out and untied our wrists with a flick of he's finger. I just rolled my eyes and stretched out my arms. I than looked around. But I felt myself slightly sway... Than everything went black. I felt myself fall but was caught by a strong grip.

" Are you alright?... " said a voice. That belonged to probably Sebby.

" I'm just gonna.....sleep for a- while. " I said giving inn to the darkness.

(y/n)'s pov.

She passed out again.

I was about to step into the carriage that was gonna take us back to manor. But I hesitated when I smelled (f/n)'s sent I looked over and noticed that Sebastian was holding Ciel and an unconscious (f/n) on the other hand. I ran over checked to see why she wasn't awake.

" What happened? " I asked.

" She got kidnapped along with the young master. My guess is that the drug they gave her to knock her out was a little strong." said Sebby as I lightly took her from he's arms.

" She's such a fool. I told her not to wonder off. But what does she do? The complete opposite. Unbelievable." I said technically talking to myself as I placed her on my lap as I got into the carriage.

Case closed!!

Or so they think.

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