chapter 10: Barrymore more like Bitchmore

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A/n: bitch what!?

Y/n 's  pov.

As we were greeted by Angela. I couldn't help but narrow my gaze at her. But when she looked my way I looked away and smiled at myself. I'm a little shy when it came to knew, people so I just made sure to keep my attention on (f/n).

We than stepped inn. Me and (f/n) we're about to walk to the other servants but Ciel said we should follow him. I didn't really complain. I followed after him and went to meet Bitchmore. (see what I did'll stop now.)

When we, stepped into he's office the first thing we, noticed where the animal head decoration. For some reason the first thing that popped into my head was a wired inside joke I thought off.

Hey (f/n)?

She looks over to me questioningly.

Doesn't this remind you of Dubwa from the  Madagascar movie.

I thought wiggling my eyebrows a little. She seemed to chuckle at the, thought but we, where immediately brought out of our little fits of giggles by bitchmore wiping Angela. I than winced inwardly. Sure she was massed up but she didn't deserve to be beat up like that.

I lightly chuckled at the nickname bitchmore gave Ciel. 'Chihuahua' pfft..... But when Ciel gave the oder Sebastien moved and stopped the whip from hitting her again. He, was slightly irritated that Sebastian got involved but a little more annoyed when Ciel started being all smug.

We than resumed the conversation at the dining table where we were served tea.

I I'm zoned out of the conversation since I was not at all interested. I knew that what was gonna come out of he's mouth would be nothing but a hole load of bull crap. fullish. I than started to think back on a few memories. And the real reason for being in this universe.

I felt myself being down casted. In a way the reason itself was a little understandable. But my body can only hold on for so long. I checked my wrist and noticed my veins turning grey. I shrugged it off and covered them up.

F/n pov.

As I looked over to y/n I noticed that she seemed... Lost in thought. When this happened she would feel blank for a while almost as if she would be stuck in trance. I nudged her shoulder which brought her out of it. She seemed to notice her surroundings and smiled at me to ashore me she was fine.

I than lightly sipped my tea paying attention to every single thing happening around me.

Time skip >>>

Your pov.

I wrote a note while everyone was focused on there own business. And lightly placed it in (F/n)'s pocket. I managed to slip away from them and headed outside. I placed my hands in my pocket and walked out of the manor.

I felt a strong cough coming and as I felt it coming. I grabbed my hankie and coughed out blood. I looked at it with slight worry. I than smiled at the irony. Everything was just a big game.

" It's true what they say. There's always a price for every action we make. " I said as I closed up my hankie and placed it in my pocket.

" Whatever do you mean miss (y/n)?" asked an all to familiar voice.

" What do you want Sebastien? " I asked as I changed the subject fast.

" I came to check what you sneeked out while no-one was looking. " he said quite bluntly.

" I'm going home. " I said simply.

" You plan on doing so alone even when they say the demon hound still romes. " he said quite warningly.

" I don't think it could do anything to me. " I said bluntly.

" You seem quite confident. "

" I guess I'm not afraid to grab life by the horns." I muttered. " See you around."

" What about miss (F/n)?" he asked.

" She said she wanted to sleep over. Who am I to stop her." I muttered loud enough for him to hear.
" If she changes her mind she'll know where to find me. " I said bluntly as I waved.

〒_〒ime skip >>>>

I decided to walk instead since it helped me think more. I looked at the markings that where beginning to show. This only happened when I was beginning to weaken. Which meant I had to try to tie 'him' down quickly.

I sang a soft tune to calm my mind a bit to ease the tension. I stopped mid way when I heard he's whispers. He was trying to make me weak. By controlling my mind. I checked my veins and noticed my veins turning black.

I clutched my heart as it began to speed up. It was slightly straining. I felt my vision slightly blur. I noticed black dots forming in my vision. Before I knew it I had lost my balance and collapsed to the ground unconscious. But I still kept fighting for control in my state.

Soon after it stopped. I forced myself up and took refuge in one of the high trees. The rain was still coming down. But it didn't bother me at all. But I still have to make sure I don't turn pale due to the cold weather. I snapped my fingers which immediately teleported me back home.

I had been teleported to the salon in the mansion where we stayed. I forced myself up and headed to my bedroom. I took a quick a long warm shower and then stepped out and emptied the tub. Then put on track pants black shirt along with my gray hoodie. I than stepped into my customized black coffin and took a bit of a nap so I could be refreshed for the events for later.

Time skip>>>

(F/n)'s pov.

So... James's dead.

I said to alert (Y/n). In seconds she appeared next to me. She seemed to be rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

" Were you asleep?" I questioned.

" Yep."

" seemes things are getting interesting then." she muttered.

" Meh. "

I chuckled in response. She seemed to mutter something under her breath which caused a slight shiver to run down her spine.


All your prayers have been answered. Took me awhile but I finally finished, I know damn well there a few mistakes but... Whatever. I'll check it later .

Bye 👋 💕

Vasachi Rock is out

Peace ✌

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