chapter 6: Theory?

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(y/n) pov.

" Jack the ripper strikes again!!! " read Ciel as he was looking at the newspaper. He's face looked like he was in he's man period.

Me and (f/n) wear covering our faces with our hoodies hiding the fact that we were laughing at the irony. I made sure to look away from Sebastian since I knew if he noticed he'd be suspicious of us. But I was surprised when Ciel called us out.

" What is with you two?"

"hmm? Oh nothing it's just I was throat. " I said pulling my hoodie down.

" than why are you crying both of you?"

" No we're not crying. These are tears of... Yawning. Like when you yawn and tears come out... Yeah. Back too plan B."

" We have a plan B?" asked blueberry.

" Don't you always have a plan. You should always have a plan B. And to be honest I didn't think the vice count was our killer anyway." I said as I took a sip of tea.

" Wait. You knew?"

" I had a feeling. But I thought my theory was incorrect. So I didn't say anything. "

" if I may what was your theory?" asked Sebastian.

" Umm.... How do I explain? Ah yes I'll be right back. " I said standing up and running out of the room.

Short time skip.

" I'm back and I borrowed this chalk board from the library. Hope you don't mind. Now let's look at this. Umm... If the vice count did it than why are the Victims all prostitutes and nobody found any dead nobals. And last time I checked he sold of he's kidnapped victim which appears to be Nobel victims he kidnapped from the ball's he threw . And if it lead to illegal organ trading in the black market. Why did all the Victims still have there organs intact only the uterus was missing. Which means he was never our guy to begin with. Sure he was a suspect but not the culprit. " I said as I was writing the facts on the board. I made sure to keep the other fact to myself till Madame Red left. I looked around and noticed that they all seemed shocked.

"......why are you all looking at me like I just grew two heads?" I said with an awkward smile.

" Why didn't you tell us about this before?"

" Ahh... You didn't ask. And anyway my theory was proved after you two got kidnapped."

" Which means we missed something. But what? "

" Think very carefully. " I said with a neutral face.

" Judging by your tone you seem to know the answer." says Lau.

" Even I missed something. How could I know the answer. And anyway I thought that the case was solved way too easily. " I said crossing my arms.

" What do mean?"

" One word 'life' if something is way too easy that means we have done it wrong. " I said as I was slightly zoning out.

" Anyway if you need me I'll be in the library reading about something. Later. Oh yeah thanks for the tea it was delicious. " I said before walking out.

As I was pushing the chalkboard back to the library I started smiling too myself. " I'm proud of myself. " I said as I was petting myself on the back.

" unbelievable." said (f/n). As she was following after me.

" What is? " I asked plainly.

" you just dropped a bomb shell and walk out like nothing happened."

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