chapter 2: Crud!!!

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(f/n)'s p.o.v.

" I'm so bored!!!" I whined as we were walking to east side of London. To see the undertaker. But as always (y/n) looked fine almost like she could still walk another fifty miles.

" oh come on. We're almost there. " she said pulling me along. I than thought up an idea. Without warning I jumped on her back. "WTF! Are you doing!" she said slightly flustered.

" I want a piggy back ride. Please " I said sweetly. "No. " she said openly. " oh come on me being on your back isn't even affecting you one bit. " I said as I kept a good hold. After a while she gave in and started walking. I started relaxing when I finally noticed that she stopped. " whats wrong?" I asked. " The newspaper." she said gazing at a pile displayed for people to buy.

I than looked over and noticed that the title on the newspaper says 'Jack the ripper strikes again!!!' " it looks like we're in season one." " mmhm. " she agreed with me.  "let's ask around. So we don't get lost. " she said placing me down. I than looked around and noticed a lady who looked nice. Maybe she could help us?

I than walked over to ask. "excuse me? But can you please tell me in which part of town were inn?" I asked politely. The women noticed us and started to give us a look of disgust. " Stay away from me prostitute? " she said pushing me away.

I got annoyed and raised my voice a little. " Excuse Me!  Who are you calling prostitute, Prostitute!" I said. The women than walked away with an annoyed expression. " Some people honestly..." " I guess you can't judge a book by its cover. " I heard (y/n) mutter under her breath. " I know right?...anyway let's ask somebody else."

" I suggest we keep walking. We will find the place eventually. " she said grabbing my hand. For some reason she walked faster than before and I couldn't keep up. "hey slow down. I can't keep up. Your moving to fast. " I said trying to slow down. " Nope. It's getting dark. look. " she said pointing at the sky. And I noticed she was right. How long were we walking! Either way I was getting tired. " can't I just ride your back. " I said as I started to get a little tired.

She than stopped." Fine. Come On." she said going down a little so I could hop on her back. "Yay. " I said as I got on her back. " we better hurry. Otherwise Jack the ripper might kill us too. " she said jokingly. " Not funny (y/n)." I said hitting her back jokingly.
" Just saying... What if we witnesses them killing one of the victims?" " Ok. Shut up. I'm getting scared now. " I said grabbing her shoulder. " calm down. Nothing will happen to you when I'm around. " she said softly.

" What were you two just saying about Jack the ripper? " asked a voice behind us.

(y/n) turned around to see who had asked. My eyes went wide with shock. For some reason I had no words to describe what I was seeing.... The.. Sebastian Michaelis. Was standing right infront of us. I was mentally fangirling.

" Oh nothing just joking around. Hehehe..." (y/n) said with a slight nervous tone.

" You said something about Jack the ripper being a Them?" SHIT! Shit! Shit! We're in big trouble now.

" Uhhhh.... A slip of the lip." she lied. " tung" I corrected. For some reason. " Miss? Are you lying? " Sebby questions. " Nope." I answered for her. But than I decided to change the subject " Wait. why do you care." I said trying to throw him off.

" Me and my young master are investigating  the matter. So if you have information I suggest you tell me. " he said with one of those 'I'm a creep' smiles. I suddenly felt a little nervous. " uh-huh... " I was at a loss for words. Crap! I then noticed that (y/n) was placing me down.

" Sebastien what's taking so long. " said a voice behind him. Looking over and noticed the little pirate standing there all mighty and proud. I surprised myself by saying "Ciel? " in the confused tone. I felt my foot being stepped on " OUCH!!!" I screamed as I started to feel the pain.

" How did you know my name? " asked Ciel with a confused expression. " Slip off the tounge. " she said nervously to cover up my little mistake. " why did you step on her foot then?" " There was a... Large Spider. " she lied. " but it got away. sorry."

I noticed Ciel look at our attire. " Your wearing such odd clothes. Are you two prostitutes."

" Why does everyone keep saying that!? We're not prostitutes. You just have terrible taste in fashion. Seriously you British people wear too many layers. " I said as I was finally getting annoyed by the comments.

" calm down, Girl. " said (y/n) trying to calm me down. I than noticed that they had a shocked expression on there faces. " Sorry. She just hates being called... Names. " (y/n) said. " My apologies miss Didn't mean to offend you. " said Ciel.

" It's fine but don't ever call me that again. Anyway....we best be on our way now. " I said grabbing (y/n)'s  hand so we could get away from them before they asked anymore questions. But I felt someone grab onto my arm. "Miss were not done talking to you two ." said Sebbs. " Crap.''I silently cursed.

" You two look very suspicious not to mention your wearing such peculiar clothes and your accent's sound foreign. And you know my name which is also odd cause I've never met you before."

Wait a go (f/n). You gave us away.

I heard (y/n). As she was using telepathy to speak with me. I than mentally groaned.

Oh shut up!

I than faced the duo and put on a straight face. " They also seem to no a little about the Jack the ripper case. " said Sebby. 'Crap.' I than looked at (y/n) with a panicked expression.

" Is that so? Tell us everything you know about the murders that have been happening." said Ciel.  I than snapped a little but managed to keep myself calm.
"Look Ciel I don't know anything about the murders so can you please tell your Butler to let me go. " I said as I was getting slightly annoyed.

He then narrowed he's gaze then gave the look that said 'I'm not convinced " Sebastien it seems there lying detain them for now we'll ask them a few questions later. " he said unexpectedly. "Yes My lord. " without warning he was holding both me and (y/n)'s wrists and started dragging us in the direction in which Ciel was going.

" Hey! Let us go! " I said trying to pull my wrist away from he's grip which seemed to tighten the more I struggled.

Stop struggling. He'll only tighten it.

(y/n) warned as she was giving me a reassuring smile. I was wondering why she was so calm the hole time. And why she didn't do anything when Sebastien started dragging us.

Why are you so calm?

I'm just going with the flow. If I'm right my plan might work.

What plan.

You'll see.

I took her word for it and just went along with her little act. But winced when Sebastien's grip tightened.

"Hey! Easy on the wrist. You'll end up breaking my hand off." I said.

" apologies I have to make sure you don't get away." said Sebastien.

I rolled my eyes at he's response.

" where are we going anyway?" I asked.

After a second I noticed we had stopped when I looked I noticed the sign.


" the undertakers parlor? " I read.

" so much for directions. " I heard (y/n) mutter. Which I chuckled at.

" You two speak as if you were headed here." said Ciel.

"NO. ""YES."  we said in unison.

" YES.'' "No" we disagreed in unison.

" Yes or no? " he asked.

" Just forget it. " says (y/n) as she tried pushing the matter aside.

Ciel roles he's eye(s) and opens the door.

Here we go.... We're about to meet the famous Reaper.

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