Chapter 7: Poor baby blue (╥_╥)

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Y/n's pov.

As blueberry was running to the house I stopped and leaned on one of the walls waiting for the Action. (f/n) went to the door along with Ciel and Sebs. I noticed the hole pull back slow mo effect. He seemed to pull back Ciel along with (f/n) both covering there eyes. Poor baby couldn't take it. Seeing all that blood made him sick.

(f/n) on the other hand was use to this. She's watched a lot of horror movies to know what it looks like.

" Quite a mass you've made in there Suttcliff. " said Sebastien as the shy brunette  Grell stepped out. He tried to play innocent but I knew for a fact that he was pretending.

" Cut the act Grell. We know you did it... Along with your partner I presume. " I said with the calmest expression.

As they had there usual dialog I noticed him starting to transform into he's usual Reaper self. I grind slightly at he's transformation before me. I noticed (f/n) with the 'This is awesome' face. But hid it behind her hoodie.

Time skip.😛

As Sebastien and Grell were fighting it out I looked at there moves carefully and as always sebs does it all with grace. It was still raining and in a way I didn't like the fact that I was a little drenched. I looked over to (f/n) and noticed she stayed close to Ciel.

I than realized that.... I'm getting bored as fuck! And the more I see them fight the more anxious I get. But than I remembered something that I had to do when I came here. I looked over to (f/n).

" I'm gonna have to leave you two for a while. " I said as I walked away.

" where are you going? " f/n asked.

" I'll tell you when I get back. I have some matters to take care of. Ta ta~” I said waving goodbye.

" What matters... " I heard f/n ask but I had already left.

I hope she doesn't suddenly get hurt while I'm gone. She is strong but weak. After all she is a human. I smile at my life thought.
I had walked for a while until I reached a little close to the destination. It was an entry to the woods.

I used my abilities to sense through the place and sure enough there was a secure place to stay once this hole JTR case is over. I walked through the woods and sure enough it was abandoned. The roof was stable the windows where broken and in a way it was like any rundown place. It looked over 200 years old. Obviously forgotten.


It just needs my touch and this place will be in good shape. It's gonna take me an hour to fix the roof along with the floor and the walls... Than I'll have to paint the walls fix the furniture and make the outside more lively... Than I'm done. This place will look great! Now to get started.

One hour later...

" I'm done! " I said happily looking at my master piece. " it was not even that hard''

The only thing that I didn't do was paint the walls. I'll have to deal with it later. Plus I need to buy paint. Lets look around a little before going back. I started with the kitchen  so I could see if anything needed to be double checked. The oven was fine until I heard a slithering sound.

I listened carefully and walked over to the cupboards I looked behind it and sure enough there was a snake lying there. I backed away slightly as to not alert it. I looked at its markings and sure enough it was not poisons. It was a baby Python.

It seemed to attack when it saw, me. I held its head in place made sure to get a good grip on it. It looked threatened. But I actually wanted to keep it.

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