chapter 9: Houndsworth

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We had finally settled inn and where just chilling. A few days had passed. I look over and noticed that (f/n) looked bored as fuck. And so was I. I than realized that we could go have a bit of fun outside.

" Yo. (f/n). Do you wanna go outside to have a little fun?" I asked.

" ugh. Finally I was getting bored as fuck. What do you wanna do? " she asked.

" Let's go and find out." I said as I got of the chair and headed out the lounge. And put on my sneakers. She than did the same..

"So.... What now?" She asked. I than thought carefully.

" Well. I haven't used instant transmission in a while. And we could just use that  too go wherever we want. " I said with a thinking face.

As if on impulse she jumped on my back. I almost lost my balance and gave her a glare. She responded with a sheepish grin. I shook my head in disapproval and than teleported to a random place. I looked around and noticed I almost slipped. (f/n) fell on our butt. And for some reason she looked like she was far.

" What the... " I than noticed our surroundings. Grey sky's. Trees that look like they where created by the boogie man.... Oh! Where in houndsworth! Cool!!

" Ow." she said as she was rubbing her but with a pained expression. I offered her a hand which she took and regained balance. " where are we? " she asked.

" let's just play hide and seek." I suggested childishly.

" what are we? Five? No. Where are we.... " she asked but before she looked around she noticed that I was not there anymore.

I was hiding behind a certain tree while she wasn't looking. She seemed annoyed that I was being playful. But non the less she started walking around and tried to find me.

" This isn't funny (Y/n)!!!" she yelled as she was walking around with an annoyed expression expression.

I used the chance to look over the area. I noticed she was not that far from the road. I used the chance to teleport to the trees near the road. Cause I knew she was heading to the direction where in which she'd be able to see me. I chuckled at her annoyed antics.

I than noticed that I was on the tree with the dog collars on it. It looked kinda creepy but cool in a way. I than remembered that short stack and d-man could probably come around here. 'Or maybe they did already?'

I was interrupted by group singing in the far distance. I raised an eyebrow and listened closer.

"Where going on a holiday a holiday a holiday  where going on a holiday...(that's all the author remembers. Sadly)"  I heard them sing in the distance.

Those where Ciel's servants. I than laughed at there screams when they realized that it was not as they hoped. I stiffeled a chuckle when Ciel said it was still under construction. I than randomly thought out as I was sitting on the tree branches.
I was a little surprised to hear (f/n)'s voice in the distance.

" (Y/N)!!!! Come out. I'm sick of playing these games!!!!" She yelled in the distance. WTF!? I listened carefully.

" what was that." asked one of the three. My guess Finny.

"(Y/n)!!!! Ugh. I swear to god! When I find you I'm gonna make you wish you were never born! " said (f/n) with an aggressive tone.

" Young master? " asked Sebastian.

" That sounds like.... Wait it's You!? " said Ciel with a rather shocked tone. I'm assuming that (f/n) got to there location first.

" Oh. Yo. Short stack. Sebbs. What up. " she said with a rather sheepish tone.

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