chapter 8: Free at last.

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Y/n's pov.

I woke up only realized that Ciel and Sebastian where nowhere to be seen. Than I remembered that it's madam Red's funeral today. I'm not really one for emotional crud. So. I'm gonna take (f/n) and go. So. Yeah.

I wrote a letter and left it on the desk. (f/n) was all healed up which means that we could go wherever we wanted. I put on my jeans and T-shirt. Along with my sneakers. I woke (f/n) up and told her to get ready.

After that I held her bridal style.

" Where are we going!?" she asked.

" It's a surprise. Now close your eyes. " I said as I was walking outside the town house.

I than used flight to reach my destination. Which was the abandoned mansion I found a few days ago. And so far it's almost finished. All I had to do was fix up a few supplies. I placed her down.

" Open your eyes. " I said as I was walking towards the door.

" Whoa. How did you!? When did you!? " she asked with slightly confusion.

" I have my ways. Are you getting inn. Or not." I asked as I was holding the door.

She then ran up the stairs and stepped inn. She looked pleased with how everything looked. She then started walking around. Me following after her so she didn't get lost. I than remembered the snake.

" oh (f/n). Just a little warning. If you happen to see a little Python around don't scream. " I said with a smile on my face.

" Python? " she said confused.

As if on cue the snake had slithered it's way to where we were. She jumped and landed in my arms.

" Relax. That's Mr Python. " I said as I was trying to place her down.

Key word: Try.

She wouldn't let go of me no matter what I did. I than gave up and kept a good hold on her. I than waved goodbye to the snake and carried her the rest of the way to her bedroom. I painted it (friends/fav/c). She loved it.

" Thank you so much!? (y/n)" she said hugging me a little too tight. But let go soon after.

" Good. Cause it took me quite a while to fix it up. " I said as I walked out of the room.

" where are you going!? " she asked.

" My room. It's not that far. Second door on the Right. " I said as I walked into my room. It had a queen size bed just like (f/n)'s but the walls where painted (f/c) instead of (f/f/c). It also had a personal bathroom same as (f/n). And to make it feel like home I put in the coffin I asked undertaker to make. It was perfect!? And it was in my favorite colour.

I placed (f/n)'s coffin. Where she wanted it. I get the feeling she didn't notice. I placed clothes the luggage that I had gotten from our world in the cupboards. She seems to be confused as to how I did it. I just smiled and said. I have my ways. With a mischievous grin.

I even brought our electronics. Just in case we get bored. I suggested we watch a movie on Netflix using a projector. Which I brought along. We used a certain ball room which I made sure to paint the walls white and settled it up. I grabbed a few snacks and placed a few pillows. On the floor along with some sleeping bags.

I than pressed play. And we than watched the movie Lucy. Which happened to be my all time favorite movies. We where munching on popcorn completely ignoring reality.

Ciel's pov. (cause I can.)

We had finally arrived back from the funeral. I was about to suggest going back to the manor but remembered the two trouble makers we left to rest. I told Sebastian to go get them so I could have a proper word with them.

And mostly (y/n) something about her told me that she already knew who jack the ripper was all along. And if she did know. Why didn't she say anything. And to make matters worse. Sebastien found nothing about the two.

No close friends. No family. Not even a record of who they are. That makes them even more suspicious. They seemed to know more than they should. So I cant just leave two people like that roaming around. They could be dangerous.

I noticed Sebastian coming back but no sign of the two females. I raised an eyebrow at this.

" Where, are they? " I asked.

" They seem to have left. " said Sebastien. What, he said shocked me.

" What!?"

" There is no sign of them. But they did leave this later for you. " he said pulling out a paper from, he's pocket. Than giving it to me. I opened it and read over.

Dear Ciel aka cinnamon roll

As you can see. We have left without saying goodbye. Sorry about that :-P . I had a feeling you wouldn't let us go if we were still there. You know. Being detained and all -_-|| hehe....
But I trust we will meet again.

From yours truly.

(y/n) and (f/n)

P. S. Say hi to Seb's for me.

I was a little annoyed from the nickname she used and also annoyed that the, left without my, permission. I than placed the letter down and told Sebastian to prepare the carriage back home. I than instructed him to try and find out where they were.

After he left to do what, he was, told I looked at the setting sun with a bored but, annoyed expression.

What, are those two hiding? 

And the fact that (y/n) could go toe to toe with a Ripper was also suspicious. Could she be just like Sebastian...

The thoughts of them run through my head as I gaze at the sky. I'm soon snapped out of my thoughts when Sebastien tells me that the carriage is ready. I nodded and walked to the entrance. My mind still going back to the pair.

Than something (y/n) said confused me a bit. When she said. 'Number one! That's, for, hurting what's, mine.' what she said as she was fighting the Ripper. It's almost as if she refers to (f/n) as an object of sentimental value. Odd. But I felt as if there was a double meaning of some sort.

Those, two are troublesome indeed.

Your pov.

"Achoo! " I suddenly sneezed.

" Bless, you." said (f/n) on cue.

" Somebody's thinking about me." I said as I took a tissue.

" I wonder who it could be?" she asked.


I'm gonna stop there.

See you in the next chapter.

Vasachi Rock is out💜

Peace ✌

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