C18: Bond

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The sun start to set and, Yin and I decided to go home. So we left the park.

I insisted Yin that I take her home. We rode a bus going to her area. The sun has already set and it is now evening.

I was looking out the window and then I felt something heavy on my shoulder.

I turned to see that Yin has leaned her head on my shoulder and the she has fallen asleep.

I smiled as I tucked her hair behind her ear.

She's the same Jung Jin. A sleepyhead.

In bus rides, she would always fall asleep. Everytime whenever we ride buses. She would always lean her head on my shoulder and sleep.

I'm not complaining though. I love it whenever she does that.

It's been almost, two years.. since I get to have this again..

The past two years has been hard for me after what happened to Jin. While she was in a coma, I never get to ride the bus ever again.

I can't ride the bus without her. I feel uncomfortable without Jin beside me.

I looked at Yin. I finally get to ride the bus again with her beside me.

I missed this..

I lightly kissed Yin's head.

I'll always be here for you, Jung Jin. I promise you.

All of a sudden, Yin woke up.

She then was looking around until she looked at me.

We then locked eyes.

Those eyes looked teary and scared..

"You okay?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah.." she then looked away and wiped her teary eyes.

I wonder what's going on with her.

We finally arrived at Yin's neighborhood. The bus stopped and we both got out of the bus.

We then walked together in silence.

We walked side by side, not saying anything.

"SeungHoon-ah." Yin called. "After Jung Jin.." I looked at her.

"Are you afraid of loving someone again?" She asked.

I looked away. "I am but I don't plan to love anyone else."

"Since you told me about your past love life.." she started. "I guess I will tell you mine."

What? She had someone??

"I had a boyfriend who ended up cheating on me." She said.


"While we were together, I was so blind to see that he was seeing other girls behind my back."

"What was the point of him dating you when he just sees other girl? Like, he should've been straight forward to you." I said, almost pissed off.

She laughed. "I know right."

I shook my head. "What an asshole.."

She chuckled.

"Do you plan on love again?" I asked her.

She shrugged. "Depends."

"If there is that someone who could take care of me and love me for who I am. Maybe I could give love a chance."

I smiled at her response.

"I'm actually good at that." I jokingly bragged.

"Pfft.. yeah right." She said.

We both laughed.


I'm on my way to Mrs. Lee's office. I got a call from her, saying that she needs me right away.

Did she found out?

I am so nervous as we have arrived at Mrs. Lee's work building.

I sighed as I got out of the car. We went to the elevator and I pressed the button to Mrs. Lee's office.

This is nerve wracking. As we passed through floors, going up, I felt even more nervous.


We finally have reached the floor. We stepped out of the elevator and on our way to her office.

I told my bodyguards that I can handle it and they agreed and waited by the elevators.

I knocked on the door. "Come in."

I opened the door. "You wanted to see me, Mrs. Lee?"

"Yes, EunHa. Have a seat." She told me and I sat on the couch.

Mrs. Lee was doing some paper as I wait for her to finish.

She sighed and tapped papers to be aligned and I guess she's finally done.

Thank god, I thought I am going wait for eternity.

Ugh.. I hate waiting.

She then looked at me. "So how's going on with you and my son?" she asked.

"Not going so well.." I rolled my eyes.

"Can you tell me why?"

It's because of that Yin girl..

"Is it because.." she started. "You're not trying enough or.."

"Was it because of Jin?" She then glared at me.

Shit... My heart then start to raise..

I felt uncomfortable and cleared my throat.

Mrs. Lee stood up and walked around the table. "You said.." she started.

"You said, that you took care of everything, EunHa."

"You said, that you would do everything so that you could have my son.."

"You said, that she didn't had any pulse.."

She started to laugh. "But how come.." she took out her phone. "She's still alive?" She bent down to me and showed me a picture of Jin with SeungHoon.

I got mad and didn't answer Mrs. Lee..

"Can't believe I even paid you to even kill her.. when YOU CAN'T EVEN DO IT RIGHT!!" She threw her phone as she shouted at me.

I gasped.

"For two years.." she laughed. "I can't believe that you kept a secret from me that she is alive!!"

"Aish!! Jinjja.." she hissed.

"I'm already taking care of it, Mrs. Lee.." I said, still shaking. "I've been torturing her at-"

She then grabbed my neck and started choking me. "Torture?.."

I gasped as I looked at her.

"I want you to get on with it and FINISH HER!" she looked at me, dead in the eyes.

She let go off me and I coughed and gasped for air as I was pushed on the floor. I held on my neck.

"If you don't want to go to jail, then do as I ask you to do." She said.

I can't believe that she got me. That evil witch..

I looked at her phone and looked at the picture of Jin and SeungHoon..

That bitch...

You're going to pay for this.. I will make sure that you will no longer breathe once I get my hands on you again..

Til you wait, Jung Jin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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