Chapter 5

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"Hi," he said as he walked from behind me and rested his chin on my shoulder. The loud chattering of the cafeteria quieted down as my focus narrowed at the familiar voice.

"Good morning. Grabbing breakfast?" I asked.

Benjamin had gotten his hands on my class schedule for this semester and had timed his presence on campus to line up with my presence on campus. He had also somehow transformed into a koala. When grabbing food, he would stick himself to my back and sling his arms around my neck. When walking to class, he would lean his head on my shoulder. Suddenly, physical contact had become as important as breathing to him, if not more. Strange enough, I had not yet seen him this clingy with anyone else. In any case, I enjoyed the contact, as well, because it had become as equally important for me to receive it. I didn't yet know what to make of it, but I forced myself to not think too much. Thinking too much has always ruined everything for me. If I stopped thinking, I was certain I could enjoy it forever.

"Yes," he replied. "Can I have your phone number?"

"Why?" I asked absently,

"In case your schedule changes or I need a hug off campus."

"Okay, just don't call in the middle of the night. I hate being woken up." He nodded. I then stopped and turned to him and added, "Unless you really do need one. Then, I'll wake up for you."

He nodded again, smiling, and pulled his phone from his back pocket. I typed in my phone number and saved it.

"Are you coming to the swing dance, tonight?" he asked as we sat down with our plates.

"Mm," I nodded while shoving food in my mouth. I wanted to see him dance again.

"Why didn't you dance last time?"

"I enjoyed just watching it," I replied. I didn't want to admit I simply don't know how to move my body like that.

When evening arrived, I put more effort into straightening my hair and picking my clothes. Last week, there didn't seem to be a dress code. Some wore dresses, while others wore pants. I glanced at the crop top and shook my head immediately. I didn't have enough confidence to show that part of my body. I gave up any attempts to get a flat belly a long time ago. My genetics decided for me that there will always be a little flab present. I was still working on accepting this fate and gathering my confidence instead. I grabbed a blue t-shirt and some brown pants, applied the caramel lipstick, tried to straighten the bird nest on my head, and walked downstairs to my car.

This week was livelier than the last. The same spherical lights hung around the thin black poles. A larger circle of students was gathered, and the music blared. There were energetic cheers, shouts, and claps. The atmosphere cleared any worried or anxious mind. It made me feel genuinely and purely happy—something I haven't clearly felt in a while. During the event, there was one notable couple, a petite woman in a red dress and a slim man in a black suit that amazed the crowd. Their dance pierced an electric bolt through me. All I could think was that I wanted to dance with someone like that, as well. Another couple—two women—jumped in at the same time from opposite sides of the circle and, though it was unplanned, danced together really well.

Jasmine slid in the crowd to stand beside me and nudged my shoulder. As she was much shorter than me, I looked down and sent her a wide smile. When Benjamin danced into the center, I cheered extra loudly. I was not able to find him before, but I now stared at him in a daze. He wore a royal purple shirt, and it was really his color.

"He's good, isn't he?" Jasmine asked from beside me.

"You know him?"

"He comes every week. I've never seen him dance with anyone, though. He likes doing it alone, I guess, but it's still beautiful to watch."

"Yes, he's beautiful," I said.

Jasmine gave me a weird glance and asked, "I meant his performance is beautiful, but I see you're focusing on something else. Want me to introduce you?"

"No, no," I waved my hands dismissively, embarrassment rising to my cheeks. I didn't want to admit to her I already know him after blurting out he's beautiful. She'd get the wrong idea quickly, but I, myself, didn't know what the right idea was.

After the event ended, I quickly fled before Benjamin could find me. I hated that I acted in such a way, but I didn't have the energy left to restrain myself in front of him. I didn't dance, but the performers seemed to seep out the crowd's energy. Whether you dance or not, you'll find yourself exhausted.

After lying on my bed, I received a text from Benjamin, asking if I attended the dance.

Yes. You were awesome, I replied.

I couldn't find you :(

It's okay. We'll find each other tomorrow.

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