Chapter 15

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For the swing dance event, I wanted to buy a dress. It was last-minute, and I hurriedly led Benjamin into a nearby clothing store when we had finished our classes for the day. We had five hours until the event.

"I need it to be royal purple," I said.

"Why? Is that your favorite color?" He asked.

"No, my favorite color is maroon, but it's your color," I answered. "Will you... wear that purple shirt you wore once?"

He tried to remember what I was talking about. "Yes, I can," he nodded. "Did I look good in it?"

"Gorgeous," I replied and Benjamin shifted shyly.

I went to the fitting room and tried on three different dresses. Each time, I stepped out and waited for Benjamin's reaction. For the first dress, I didn't like how long it was, but Benjamin said it looked beautiful. Its sleeves were to my elbow, and it had an extravagant floral design. For the second one, I thought it wasn't flowy enough for swing dancing, but Benjamin said it was pretty. It was royal purple from the top and came to a lighter hue at the bottom. I then came to realize he might not be the best person for honest clothing advice.

"You mean the dress or me," I teased. He stared at me and answered, "All you." Flustered, I shuffled back into the fitting room.

The last dress was somewhat simple, but I found myself more embarrassed to wear it because it revealed more skin. I still wasn't confident in my body. The other two dresses had stood out in their sparkling and floral beauty. It was a solid royal purple, a tad shorter in the front than the back, and thin straps sat on my shoulders. The dress flowed easily when I walked out to Benjamin, who stared silently. As the seconds passed, I was becoming redder and redder under his scrutinizing gaze.

I clutched the door frame and laughed nervously, "You like what you see?" and stepped out more to swirl. The dress rose slightly in the air. Benjamin suddenly stood up and walked towards me. I retreated involuntarily into the fitting room.

"W-What?" I asked. I didn't like it when he was silent because I could never predict him. He stepped forward and closed the door behind him. I gulped. His arms surrounded me and squeezed. Then, he abruptly moved his chin atop my bare shoulder, and I shivered.

"You're really beautiful," he said. I only stood paralyzed in his embrace, gripping the dress for support. He kissed my neck and then raised his head. His finger traced the shoulder strap and slowly lifted it.

"Benjamin!" I shouted nervously.

"Too much?" He asked softly, removing his hand.

"Yes, a bit," I heaved.

He smiled knowingly and turned to leave. After the door closed behind him, I turned to look at myself in the mirror. My chest was rising and falling rapidly. My cheeks were clearly blushed. Where he had kissed my neck was burning still. I covered my face in embarrassment. Well, this is the dress, I thought.

After buying the dress, we were both starving and entered the nearest hamburger place emitting whale noises. The diner had an old-fashioned checker floor and small lamps hung above each booth. There was also an old jukebox that played "Love Is Just Around The Corner" by Bing Crosby.

"Let's just order the whole menu," Benjamin said indecisively, his eyes drifting from one thing to another.

I shook my head and prepared to order two hamburgers and two chocolate milkshakes.

"You like chocolate milkshakes, right?" I asked to make sure.

"I like your milkshake more," he immediately responded.

I covered my face and groaned; I had practically set that one up for him. He laughed across from me and then moved beside me for a hug. The waiter came to write our orders down, and we waited impatiently.

"It looks delicious," I said when the waiter finally set our hamburgers down.

Benjamin looked over at me and said, "You look more—"

"Thank you!" I yelled to the waiter and he nodded and walked off.

Benjamin glanced at me, failing to hide his smile.

"Why do you do this..." I sighed, biting into my hamburger and moaning. "This is really good! What was the name of this place again?" I asked and turned to Benjamin, who sat staring at me.

"What are you staring at me for? Is there something on my face?" He shook his head. "Hurry up and eat. It's really good." He nodded. I didn't know what had gotten into him all of a sudden because he seemed at a loss for words. After he tasted it, he turned to me and gave me a thumbs up.

"Here," he said, holding up his hamburger in front of me. "Take a bite."

I tilted my head in confusion and showed him my unfinished one in my hand. "We ordered the same thing. Why would I eat yours?"

"Just do it," he said. I didn't understand him, but I did what he asked and took a bite. Then, he turned the place I bit from towards him and licked it. I choked and grabbed the milkshake, coughing. He continued to eat innocently.

"Eat, eat, and moan more," he stated afterward, gesturing towards my hamburger.

"What are you talking about? I don't moan," I said matter-of-factly, but my face was too red, and a small laugh pleasantly sounded from beside me.

After we finished eating, we played with the jukebox, and I jumped excitedly when Patsy Cline's "Crazy" began playing. It was one of my all-time favorite songs. Benjamin watched me passionately sing along, "I'm crazy for feeling so lonely, I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue..." I walked closer to him and kept his gaze. "I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted and then someday, you'd leave me for somebody new..." I tightly held the collar of his shirt, faking anger. "Oh, crazy. Crazy for thinking my love could hold you..." 

When I finished the song, Benjamin hugged me and said, "That was a sad song." He kissed my cheek. "I won't let you feel crazy." I turned away from him, embarrassment flooding my face. I was only teasing him, but he sounded so serious as if he etched those words into a stone to forever keep. 

The hours had passed by, and I drove back to my apartment to wear my dress and fix my hair for the swing dance event. I was beyond a nervous wreck, and I continued to remind myself it was only for fun. I was just going to swing dance and have fun with Benjamin like I've done in the clubroom for the past weeks. Benjamin didn't want to part, saying he'd rather wait in my apartment and head out together, but I reminded him he needed to go change into his shirt, as well. He left after I assured him we'd meet at the event. 

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