Chapter 8

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The familiar tune of Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" rang from my pocket. I picked up the phone hurriedly.


"I saw you in the cafeteria today, with your beautiful boy, shamelessly hugging. I didn't want to interrupt, but... when were you going to tell me about him?" Jasmine asked.

"No, wait, Jasmine, it's not like that," I defended.

"Not like what?" Benjamin's voice loudly asked from behind me. I quickly turned to him and caught his smile before it disappeared. It was definitely intentional.

"Who's that? You have someone over at your apartment?" Jasmine's voice excitedly asked.

"No! I—" I sighed, unable to come up with a believable lie. "Well, yes... He's teaching me how to swing dance," I admitted quietly.

A loud squeal came from the phone, and I moved it from my ears.

"When did you snatch him, huh? I need the details," She asked loudly, and I hurriedly turned down the volume. I glanced again at Benjamin, who sat looking at me. I wondered if he had heard that.

"Look, Jasmine. Let's talk tomorrow, okay? I have a guest right now..."

"A guest? I'll leave you with your 'guest' then. Don't let this 'guest' stay for too long and fondle—"

"BYE, Jasmine!" I shouted, ending the call.

I heaved a sigh as I threw my phone on the couch. It bounced and I jerked towards it, catching it before it flew over the edge.

"She sounded excited. What did you tell her?" Benjamin asked, drinking a can of soda I brought him from the fridge.

"She's excited about me learning swing dancing. She's obsessed with it, and... she's happy I'm learning her obsession." It was partly true. "Now, let's continue where we left off," I said, slamming my hand on the table. "Where were we?"

"The Charleston," Benjamin answered.


When I looked at the circular clock hung on my wall again, it had become past midnight. We took many breaks between practice to hug, eat snacks, and browse videos of amazing swing dancers. Benjamin had spent all his energy and was now leaning sleepily on my shoulder. Panic was rising again in my throat. 

A part of me felt that he needed to stay the night here because I didn't want him to drive while asleep. Another part was in total panic at the mere idea of him staying. I held my hands together in thought while tapping my foot in worry. I didn't know what to do. Benjamin's head slid off my shoulder and fell between my back and the couch. I nodded my head when an internal decision was reached: he's already asleep. I'll just let him continue sleeping on the couch. 

I grabbed the remote off the table and turned the TV off. I got up and went to my room. I only had two pillows, and I chose the more comfortable one for Benjamin, mostly because I felt guilty for tiring him so much. I then grabbed extra sheets and headed back to the living room. Benjamin's deep, melodic breaths and messy fine hair reminded me of the time when I woke up beside him on the couch at the university. It wasn't long ago, but it strangely felt like it. I lifted his head slowly and placed the pillow under it. After covering him with the sheets and turning off all the lights, I tiptoed back to my room and tiredly fell on my bed.

Two hours later, I realized there was a problem: I couldn't sleep. I usually could sleep within an hour, but knowing Benjamin was in my living room made me beyond nervous, and shameless thoughts intruded every second. Ten minutes later, a tall figure unexpectedly walked into my room, holding a pillow sleepily. I scrambled out of my sheets with a small screech.

"Want..." he mumbled as he came towards me, and I retreated into the corner.

"Want what? What do you want? Stay there," I hurriedly said. I wasn't sure if he was fully awake or sleepwalking or somewhere in between, but I was ready to kick him at the slightest sign of danger. I lifted my foot just in case, aiming at his chest. He got on my bed and opened his arms. He wrapped them around my head, and I was roughly pulled toward him. I became paralyzed, and his arms slid down around my neck as he shifted comfortably. The pillow he brought was abandoned by the wall. We shared a single pillow, and my eyes were more awake than ever. My face was practically buried in his chest, and though he didn't have any smell before, I now smelled a hint of cinnamon. It was relaxing, somewhat, but I was still on guard.

The more the minutes passed, the harder and harder it became to breathe. The slow movement of his chest and his breaths on my scalp made me itch all over. The thin sheets were suddenly thick quilts that made my skin prickle and boil. I sat up and his arms around my neck dropped to the bed. His eyes opened from my sudden action.

"I-I can't do this," I muttered as I got up and backed away. I turned on the light to better confront him. I might get drunk when there is too much darkness, and jump him.

He plopped his elbow up on the bed and leaned his head on his hand.

"Why not?"

"I just can't. I'm-I'm thinking too much," I said guiltily.

His gaze seemed to scrutinize me from top to bottom. He slowly slid his leg out from under the sheets.

"Thinking of what?" He asked, his eyes glistening unfamiliarly.

"Stop doing that!" I pointed to his leg. "Stop provoking me."

He glanced at his leg and then at me. He bought his free hand to the end of his shorts and pulled it up to reveal his thigh.

Positioning himself provocatively, he looked up at me again and slowly said, "I don't know what you mean."

I looked from his thigh to him and back, clearly panicked. I just kept pointing accusingly, speechless. I was afraid I might actually do something to him. I abruptly turned away and sprinted out the door, hearing hard laughter behind me. It was my first time hearing him laugh this loudly, and I immediately stopped to listen. He quieted some of his laughter with the pillow, squirming happily on my bed.

I went into the living room and stopped. Wait, why did I leave my own room? It's my room. He should be the one to leave, I thought. I stomped back into my room and said, "This is my—" I quieted immediately when I realized Benjamin had quickly fallen back asleep. His hands lazily hugged the pillow he brought back with him from the couch, and I found myself glaring at it. Then, I squatted down by the door and buried my face in my hands, frustration running through my veins. This was the longest night of my life.

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