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The weekend wasn't as peaceful as I had hoped. My nightmares made it difficult to sleep, so my mom finally convinced me to book an appointment with my therapist. My father, however, remained the same cold, angry man who seemed to hate me. At least I tried to apologize to him, and I've been doing his bidding ever since.

I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs. As usual, my mother welcomed me with a cup of coffee. I took a sip, but my breakfast was interrupted when my father joined us, glaring at me the whole time.

"What do you want to say, Dad?" I asked. My mom immediately made me apologize for being rude, but it only made my father angrier.

"Now listen clearly: as long as I put a roof over your head and money in your account, you will not talk to me rudely," he said through gritted teeth. I rolled my eyes.

"Patrick, c'mon, can't you see that she has changed?" My mom tried to intervene, but my father ignored her and continued, "I know what you're up to. As soon as the news about how you were dumped is completely off the internet, you'll go back to your irresponsible behaviors."

Out of frustration, I stood up and yelled, "Nothing will ever be good enough for you!"

"Regina Allen," my mom said, trying to calm me down, but I was done.

"I'm done trying to get your forgiveness."

My father stood up angrily and said, "Good, because you're never getting my forgiveness. But make yourself useful and remind Sylvester of our meeting."

His words hurt, but I refused to let him see how deeply they affected me. I bid my mom goodbye and left.


The elevator opens, and I step out, but Patricia's bitter voice stops me midway. "Sylvester wants you in his office."

I scoff and reply sarcastically, "Good morning to you too."

She hisses and continued typing on her computer. Not in the mood for another argument, I head to Sylvester's office with my heart pounding. Even though it's easy to pretend we didn't have sex in South Africa, it happened, and a part of me knows it's not safe to be alone with him. Swallowing my fear, I enter his office, but he doesn't even glance at me as he speaks.

"Go to Patricia; she will show you your new office. Take the brown file, you need to go through it. It'll brief you on the meeting we have in an hour."

His attitude, while expected, still irritates me. "Seems like everyone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," I mutter.

He says nothing, still not looking at me. I pick up the brown file and ask, "Which meeting are you talking about?"

He sighs and finally looks at me. "You are my new General Manager, and I need you present at the meeting I have with your father."


My eyes widen, and I grit out, "I don't want this new position if it entails me seeing my father in meetings."

He doesn’t react, returning his attention to his computer. I can't explain the rage bubbling inside me. Is it because of the hatred I feel for my father, or because Sylvester can't bear to look at me for five goddamn seconds?

"You don't have a choice. It's an order," he says nonchalantly.

"I can resign," I shot back.

He chuckles and retorts, "You don't need me to remind you what happened the last time you tried to resign."

This time, he finally looks at me, but it's useless. He gives me a cold glare, daring me to challenge his order. He already threatened to fire Michael if I tried to resign again and Michael is a good friend and really needs this job to sustain his family. I clench my fists and stomp out of his office.

What an arrogant jerk.

"Where is my office?" I nearly yelled at Patricia. She was taken aback, but quickly recomposed herself and glared at me before pointing to a brown wooden door opposite Sylvester's office. Without another word, I walked to my office, my anger simmering down as the beautiful workspace welcomed me.

 Without another word, I walked to my office, my anger simmering down as the beautiful workspace welcomed me

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Words couldn't describe how peaceful my office was. The brown and cream colors were inviting and simple, just like I wanted. I walked to the window and could see the city. It was one of the most gorgeous sights I had ever seen.


I turned and found the intercom vibrating on my desk. Quickly, I went to pick up the call, and just like that, my anger returned.

"Do you like your office?" Sylvester's thick voice was full of concern, but I wasn't going to fall for it. "Just skip to the reason you're calling."

"The meeting was moved up, so get ready. We're leaving now," he said before ending the call.

I scoffed and made no attempt to leave the office. If he wanted me at that stupid meeting, he would have to force me. That wouldn't be a problem for him; force was the only language he understood. As expected, he opened my door and glared at me.

"Why can't you be obedient?" he demanded.

He took only four strides to reach me, trapping me with his hands on either side of my chair. If his earlier attitude hadn't been so offensive, I might have found this action seductive, but my anger was stronger than any forbidden attraction.

"I hate my father, but I hate you more."

He was unfazed by my words, staring into my eyes with an intensity that irritated me. I turned my head away, refusing to engage in a staring contest. He grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him again, but I averted my eyes once more.

Frustrated, he dragged me to my feet and forcefully crashed his lips to mine.

I was taken aback and didn't return the kiss the way he wanted so he bit my lower lip hard, making me to wince and giving him enough access to dominate me. I didn't want to give in because I wanted to fight against this assault but my sexual hormones took over my senses and I gave in.

He lifted me, and instinctively, my legs wrapped around his waist. He carried me without breaking the kiss, my hands finally burying themselves in his hair. Soon, my back was against the wall, and his hands roamed all over my body, especially between my legs, desperately searching for a hidden treasure. It was pleasurable. Finally, I was able to breathe after he broke the kiss.

"Sylvester, please," I murmured, my words coming out more sexually charged than intended.

"Are you begging me to continue?" he teased. Instead of answering, I pushed him off me and stood on my feet. "Is the meeting cancelled?" I asked, wondering if he had forgotten about it entirely.

He shook his head and replied, "No, but just for today you can get settled in your new office."

I watched him leave, wanting to thank him for not forcefully taking me to the meeting, but knowing Sylvester, there's always a price to pay. Soon, he would ask for it. For now, I settled back into my seat, but my mind kept replaying the kiss.

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