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Life, the existence of an individual.

An individual that is born, and an individual that lives the life that they were given. Some may have a good life, some have a hard life that is full of struggles but that's what's made and shaped our world. And eventually, no matter how mean or how nice you were to others, no matter how rich, happy, sad, hard, easy, cruel or pathetic you were, you die. And everyone ends up in a box six feet under.

I thought that was true until I met Jaxon Blackbun. One of the two original demon, and the only remaining original demon left in the world.

This, is my story.


'Keep it moving.' A gruff voice shouted over the wailing cries of families and they struggled to keep in their formation.

Terrified, I saw fright filled in everyone's eyes as they desperately looked around for the bodies for their families somewhere in the lines and lines of villagers.

There were several long lines of people, all bound to one another by a thin chain to keep in the correct formation as everyone was being hustled towards the main square, awaiting to hear our fates.

I, like everyone else, frantically searched the lines of familiar faces to see if I could spot any of my family members. My mom, dad and younger brother Ben and I have a strong bond with one another and I couldn't help but worry for them, just as I knew they were doing for me. I desperately wanted to see them and make sure they were okay, but I didn't know how I would react if they were lying beaten up in the gutters of the streets.

Only a mere week ago, a medieval tradition reappeared as a young girl called Lacy was tied up and burned infront of many citizens for possessing a magic that the government couldn't explain. The government feared what the power that the young girl had and caught her red handed producing a flame that burnt down the cattle barn with all of our farming supplies. Managing to capture her, only an hour later she reached her death.

She didn't look older then 15.

Then today, more of those people with strange powers came. Finding everyone and making a chain link us all together without even lifting a finger. Anger and revenge were tained in all of their eyes as they yelled for us to move faster and to follow orders that have been set by the leader who hasn't appeared yet.

My feet were aching as a rough hand pushed my shoulder, making me stumble forwards and hit the person I don't know infront of me. A strained cry left my lips at the harshness of the action but I didn't speak. The ones who defended themselves got taken from the line then beaten in clear veiw of everyone, a demonstration on what happens when people don't follow their demands.

As I searched the faces, I saw familiar ones, but not the ones I wanted to see. There was Mr Miller from the local drug store over to my left, and Liam who fixed our roof for us a few weeks ago up infront of me in my line. Although I was glad that they are safe, I stood there wishing it was my families faces I saw instead of theirs.

The heat radiating off the burning book store made my skin feel like it was on fire as I trudged along. The heat so hot that I felt a bead of sweat fall off my forehead on onto my exposed upper chest.

I could see the tall building of the main square coming into my sight and I braced myself for what was about to happen. I was in what seemed to be the second last line of chained people so the wait shouldn't be to long.

Nearing closer to the square, the loud sound of people crying, panicking for loved ones filled the air. It was the pure sound of terror that made my skin crawl.

Standing on my tip toes so I could get a better advantage from my natural short height, I scanned he area to find the faces of mom, dad and Ben.

After only mere secods, I saw the frantic face of my mother searching exactly like I am. A weight was lifted off my chest knowing she was safe, only to have it replaced when I realised my dad and brother were still out there.

When my eyes made contact with my mother, she instantly broke down into tears from the news of her only daughter being safe. She was crying and yelling to me but I couldn't make out the words over the sound of others acting the exact same. When she started signalling to the front with her head, I followed her gaze to see my dad. He was angry trying to free himself from the heavy chains and yelling with the many other men. The chains held so much strength it made me question if they were made of some of the magic the men were using to take over our village.

After a few moments he looked to me and he instantly relaxed at seeing his baby girl, even though I'm 17 years old. I nodded to him in signal of me being as good as I could be in these conditions and then I resumed looked for Ben.

Seeing my 8 year old brother surrounded by angry fathers trying to break free sent my heart plummeting towards the ground. He was copping smacks to the face and was being shoved harshly as they were being contained by some kind of invisible force.

I knew yelling out would do nothing but I couldn't help it.

'Ben!' I yelled, my voice hoarse and croaky. 'Ben!'

He couldn't hear me. He kept bracing himself so he wouldn't fall over and my heart broke in two when he coped an elbow to the face.


I felt so helpless watching my little brother get kicked around by men twice his size and I was powerless to do anything to help him. The men trying to find their families were ruthless.

'Silence.' A voice boomed from the main building and instantly everybody looked up towards the second story building where a few men were perched, sitting on the railing smugly. When there was complete silence his booming voice spoke again.

'Humans. As you can see your village is out of the norm.' A slight smug chuckle erupted from all the men that were marching us out of our homes and to the square. There were only about eight of them, three up on the second story and eight wondering around is all, looking angry and ready to pounce.

'The man about to appear in front of you is Jaxon Blackburn. His going to make your life hell.' Another slight chuckle came from the men, whilst all the villagers murmured to eachother in fright.

Then, stepping out and into the balcony stepped the man they call Jaxon Blackburn, the man who's name is enough to send you running for the hills.


Thoughts? I know this is nothing like red but I felt like writing a story based on the evil character for once, instead of stories always being the good guys. So let me know what you think, and thankyou for reading the prologue :)

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