19. The fair

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Keith's birthday was in 3 days and today was the day they would go to the fair. Keith got ready, he wore a black t-shirt with black, ripped jeans and of course, Lance's jacket.

Lance put on some normal blue jeans and a pastel blue hoodie with a yellow smiley face on it.  He was not ready for this. He didn't know what to do. Was this a date? Whatever it was, he needed to stop worrying.

He put on his shoes and walked over to the café. He walked in and went to Keith room. He was sitting at his desk looking nervous. His face lit up as he saw Lance. He got up and smiled. They got in the car and started driving since Shiro lent them his car so they didn't have to walk.

The drive was long and they were a bit bored and all Lance could do was admire Keith. He didn't know what to say so he just looked at him.

His soft hair was put up in a ponytail, his lips were curled in a small smile, his cheeks were pink from the weather, his eyes were glowing in the sunset light, he wore Lance's jacket which made him smile widely. Keith wore his fingerless gloves and his nail polish was starting to chip.

"What are you staring at?" Keith asked before he let out a giggle

"You" Lance smiled and looked back at the road

"Well we're almost here so get mentally ready"

"Pffff I don't need to get ready" Lance said as Keith parked the car and they got out.

The fair was pretty calm since it was Tuesday so they walked around for a bit and Lance's eyes lit up when he saw the carousel.
He  absolutely wanted to ride it while Keith looked at him with judgement in his eyes. This never was the type of things Keith liked.

Once Lance got out, he practically begged him to go get funnel cakes and candy apples.

"We'll go after the big rides, otherwise we might puke!" Lance replied as he looked at Keith as he pouted.

They did everything, roller coasters, bumper cars, the pirate ship, Keith even won Lance a stuffed octopus at one god the games.

They finally got food and shared a funnel cake and ate corn dogs and talked, it was really fun. Lance wouldn't stop laughing at the fact Keith wouldn't put his arms up in the roller coaster. They sat close and Keith put his head on Lance's shoulder, it was starting to get late but it wasn't the end just yet.

"Wanna go on the Ferris wheel?" Lance proposed. Keith immediately lift up his head and nodded quickly as he smiled.

They walked towards it and finally got on. The wheel started moving and Lance looked at Keith and smiled. His look was soft and reassuring, now more then ever, Keith wanted to kiss him.

He didn't. He thought maybe Lance didn't like him! What if he rejected him and they stopped being friends! What if he hated him after this! He couldn't risk it.

After a few rides, the wheel stopped at the top. They looked at the whole fair from up and looked at each other before Lance looked back at the view. The park was lit up with Signs and rides. It was beautiful.

Lance slowly took Keith hand in his and intertwined their fingers. It seemed like the world had stopped. His heartbeat was faster then ever and he couldn't help but smile. The feeling of Keith's hand in his was like a miracle,  it was soft and felt like he was holding the world in his hand. He'd never thought it would happen. Both felt giddy and looked at each other.

I lied, now more then ever, Keith wanted to kiss him.

He did.

The feeling of Lance's lips against him felt unreal. It was like a cloud and he felt so in love. Lance quickly kissed back put his hands through Keith's hair. They separated to breathe and looked at each other before kissing again.

They got out of the ride and were still holding hands tightly. None of them had talked since they got on the Ferris wheel.

"Would you... be my boyfriend?" Keith asked hesitantly

"Yes" Lance's word was almost a whisper but enough for both of them to hear. Keith smiled and squeezed Lance's hand a bit tighter.

They got in the truck and started driving. The drive was silent but not awkward, more because they couldn't find the words to describe what they were feeling and frankly, it probably would be more awkward if they talked.

They got home and got out of the car. They looked at each other from both sides of it and Keith walked towards Lance.
He got closer and leaned in for a soft kiss before going inside.

He looked back and Lance was still standing there in shock, feeling giddy
"I'll see you tomorrow?"
Lance looked at him and nodded. His smile was bright and it was perfect.

Keith got inside his house to Adam and Shiro watching tv. They looked at him and smiled
"How was it?" Adam asked. Keith just looked at him while smiling and sat in the couch.

"We um- we kissed" Shiro's eyes went wide open and looked at him

"Really?!" He almost yelled from excitement while Adam looked shocked.

"Yeah and he's my boyfriend now?"

Shiro and Adam looked at each other and smiled widely. Before Keith got up and went to bed.

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