Chapter 11

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4 months later

Kelly's POV:

Planning our wedding is in full swing, I can honestly say I have never been happier. Joseph had never been the man for me, and it took meeting my soulmate to make me realize how horrible of a person he actually was. He never respected me, or my time, he always talked down to me, and he used me for the money I had. Now that I think about it I'm sure he felt emasculated knowing I made more than him.

Today me and Alexis are going for my final dress fitting. Yes I know what your thinking, shit girl that happens right before a wedding which means you must be getting married soon. We have 3 weeks until we say I do. We didn't want to wait, we know we are each others forever. 

Alexis is already waiting for me as I pull up to the dress store, we decided to just meet here since I had some things to finish up at work. Before I walk in I spot him, I have been able to avoid him for months, I haven't even been to the house to get anything, Alexis has gone and picked up whatever I could possibly need.

I have nothing to say to him, I know he has been trying to get in contact with me, but I refuse to answer in any way. It's done, it's over, there's no going back. I try to walk past him without him seeing me, but I know he has, I'm hard to miss with the red hair and all.

"Kelly?" He says as if it's a question, obviously it's me dimwit. I stop in my track and slowly turn to face him.
"Wow.. I haven't seen you in what a few months now?? Why won't you return my calls we need to talk" he says pleading with me, and practically staring into my soul.

"Joseph we have nothing to talk about, I'm happy, your free, leave me alone" I start to turn but I feel him grab onto my wrist.
"Baby.. don't go I can fix this, I'm a mess without you, your my everything, it was just one little mistake it will never happen again"

I look at him and start laughing almost uncontrollably "yea ok, I'm sure it wouldn't, by Joseph"

I go to open the dress shop door and he gets out one more sentence before I go inside, "special occasion?" He questions, I turn and smirk at him, "yea my wedding" I say as I quickly get into the shop and close the door. I can see how stunned he is from the window, and I gotta say this feels pretty freakin good.

I fill Alexis in on what happened and she high-fives me. "Alright bitch get your dress on, I got tissues ready, I'm prepared to start bawling my eyes out" I just look at her and laugh "ok, ok I'm going" I go in to put on my dress, it's a mermaid style dress, with bits of lace design throughout, the front cuts almost all the way down between my breasts. It was the one the second I saw it, it was everything I ever dreamed of.

I slowly walk out and go stand on the podium in front of Alexis and she is instantly brought to tears. "Oh my god you look amazingggg" she gets out between sobbing. I feel a tear escape my eye as I look at myself in the mirror. I can't believe in 3 weeks I will be married to the true love of my life.

About 20 minutes later I am removed from the dress and in my clothing again hugging Alexis goodbye. We both walk out of the dress shop. And walks directly into her car, I wave at her as she drives away. I am in total bliss.

My car isn't far from the dress shop, i don't have to walk much. All of a sudden a horrible fear comes over me. I never get scared, I'm not a jumpy person, and I don't always think someone is going to kill me when I walk to my car, but things just didn't feel right. I make sure my keys are ready so I can just quickly get in my car and make it home to my lumberjack. I make it to my car and jump inside, right as I am about to put the key in the ignition the feeling washed over me again, all of a sudden I feel myself struggling against two strong arms behind me holding a rag to my mouth, and before I know it everything goes black...

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