Chapter 13

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Kelly's POV:

I wake up slowly as I'm jerked into and upright position, as I start to come to I can tell I'm in some type of dress. I feel a hand slowly run over the side of my face, it feels wrong... so so wrong and then I hear his voice, "oh my look exactly how I imagined, your perfect, look at yourself" he pulls me towards a mirror and what I see would make me gasp if I didn't have my mouth blocked.

I see myself in a long wedding dress that shows a lot of skin, it has small patches barely covering my nipples. My hair is cascading down my back, and I have so much makeup on I barely recognize myself. He made me look exactly how he always wanted, I feel completely disgusted with myself, I would never look like this on my wedding day. I feel the tears start to flow down my face and all of a sudden I feel a slap across my face.
"Stop crying you'll smudge your makeup!" I just nod my head, I don't know what to do, my hands are tied literally.
"We will be married in one hour, I will come get you" he walks out and I just slump back onto the chair, what am I going to do??

Rowland's POV:
6 hours earlier.....
After driving for about 3 hours we arrive at the office for the justice of the peace, I quickly park. Me and Alexis jump out of the car and practically run up to the main entrance. "How can I help you sir" says the receptionist. I show her the pamphlet and explain everything we found, which was basically that my fiancé was kidnapped by her crazy ex and he's planning on forcing a marriage. She quickly calls the main justice of the peace who is supposed to perform the ceremony and hands me the phone once he answers. I explain the situation and he tells me to meet him at the property with the police and gives me the address. He says he will stall as much as possible. Without giving off any hints that we may be on to him. I hang up the phone and we get ready for our journey ahead.

Apparently the property they are on is Joseph's families old home. It's about a 5 1/2 hour drive on a good day. If we are going to make it before he tries to start anything then we have to go now. We fill the car up with gas and head on out.

Kelly's POV:

He's coming... I hear him.. this is it. He opens up the door and I slowly look up at him. He's in a grey tux with his hair gelled back, that's exactly how I imagined he would look if I married him, and now it just makes me want to throw up. "It's time. Get up" I slowly standup from the chair, I don't even know what to say at this point. With my hands still tied behind my back he walks me out to and archway in the back yard where I see an older gentlemen standing there.

Joseph stands me under the archway, I quickly glance at the old gentlemen and he gives me a knowing glance. I look back at Joseph as this man start to read off his speech to us. The vows are next.

All of a sudden over an intercom I hear, "Joseph Maran back away with your hands in the air" I look over and see a group of police officers with their guns drawn and Rowland in the background. The tears start to fall and all I want to do is run over to him, but I can't, not yet. Joseph suddenly grabs me and holds a gun to my head. I freeze. "Joseph Maran, we are going to ask you one more time, put your hands up and back away!" I can see Rowland off to the side trying to get through the police, but he can't, it's no use they won't let him. "I will shoot her! Leave now!" I start to shake, how could I ever love this man? Why couldn't I see how horrible he was? One officer starts to slowly move forward, and all of a sudden a shot rang out, I can't hear anything anymore... everything is silent, I feel like I'm fading. I feel someone catch me and then everything goes black.

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