Chapter One

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This is unedited and liable to change, though, I think I have the beginning the way I need for it to be. Please, remember, I just type and a lot of what I type makes me cringe. 

Anyway, *sigh*, here we go. 

I would also like to add, this book, even though it includes the  use of a safe word and negotiations and the actual letters themselves, does NOT represent the BDSM community. Not in anyway, shape, form, or fashion.  If you wish to seek more knowledgeable subject matter, please check out Evie Lupine on Youtube . 

As someone not in the community, I have found her videos  to be extremely enlightening. I have also tried to make it very clear in this book, this is not that. It was never intended to  BE that and  please keep in mind, all these situations are fictional and would never want someone to go into something not knowing exactly what to expect. Thank you.


Chevonne perched on the edge of the sofa and stared into the fire Draven had lit for her. This was her choice. Her decision, but the way she was shaking, if he took a step toward her, she would take flight.

The glass hit against her bottom teeth as she tried to take a sip of the whiskey. Ignoring the soft laugh of the vampire she had come to see, she kept her focus on the flames in front of her. The waiting was almost worse than the actual walk here. He invited her in to negotiate, but the only thing he had done was light a fire and made her two glasses of water before relenting on the whiskey. She had to admit, the water was wonderful. She didn't realize how dehydrated she was.

Draven sat in a chair across the coffee table from her, leaned back and leg crossed. There was this similarity he had to Elliot in his mannerism. Perhaps that would see her through this ordeal.

Lily would be awake now, probably Simmons as well. How angry would she be that Chevonne disappeared, leaving her to look out for Madelyn, a new vampire and a human?

Especially after what she said to Chevonne. They are alive.

Absently, she rubbed her chest and that was when Draven spoke.

"What assistance do you require from me?"

It was time then. Daring herself, daring him, she closed her eyes, the skin over her spine almost itching in the imagined agony she knew was coming. Start with the small one, because she knew the other would be horrific.

"I..." She opened her eyes and slid back against the cushions. "They survived," she said.

"Something that I discovered only recently."

She turned, holding her glass with two hands and met his beautifully eerie eyes. His hair was once more pulled back into a ponytail and she had a brief curiosity of what it looked like hanging free around his face.

"I would like for you to help them recover."

"A month for each." The words were instant and firm.

She could feel the blood drain from her face and she set the whiskey on her leg, the slight condensation leaving a ring in the dirt that covered them.

His laughter was louder this time. It had to be to get through the rushing blood in her ears.

"Chevonne, my little darkness. This is how to negotiate. You start with something outlandish before working your way to more acceptable terms. We have much to go over. Remember, don't give in immediately."

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