Chapter Eleven

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Warm arms pulled against her and she smiled, opening her eyes to find Caleb watching her.

Softly, she ran her fingers over the lines of his face. Remembering what she told Jaylen, how it didn't hurt to love more than one person, she ran her arm around Caleb's waist and pressed her head against his chest, listening to the comforting thump of his heart.

"I love you," he whispered and she closed her eyes at the feel of his hands running softly over her hair.

"I love you too. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize it."

"It took me a while too, but I should have known it was going to happen. From the moment I walked into Elliot's library and fell into your dark eyes."

"But I'm human and at the time, you didn't do humans." She was not going to remember how he didn't have any problems doing her the night before. No.

He chuckled, rolling over onto his back, pulling her with him. "I do this one."

She pressed her lips to his chest, thanking every deity she could think of that he lived.

"Come on, let's get you dressed before you get all mushy on me," he said and she looked at him with a smile. Shifting, she sat up and swung her legs off the bed. He came around and pulled his robe around her. "Elliot and Trey should be back tonight," he said and she got to her feet.

"I know. I'll be glad not to worry for him." Though, she still had two others. She had never had Kian's number and she still didn't have a phone. Something that she would take care of the next day, now that Trey would be coming back.

"Shower with me or..."

"I don't know that my body could handle another of your showers," she said with a laugh.

"I didn't hurt you last night, did I?"

"Not at all. I'm just not used to that experience. I used to not like it. But then, there was last night."

He grinned and shook his head. "Yeah, you need to go shower on your own." He pressed a kiss to her head and now she didn't want to go.

It was for the best, she told herself.

"I'll see you soon," she said, forcing herself to walk away. Talking to her vampires about sexy things was impossible. Her desire for them was too great and a single look could have her trembling from need.

"Chevonne," he called out to her and she turned. "I'll think about you."

And there it was, that spear of lust as she thought about him thinking about her and she fought herself.

"Enjoy," she said and somehow left his room.


Thirty minutes later, she walked into the living room. Caleb was already there and he winked at her and she smiled.

"I trust your shower went well? You had everything in hand?"

He laughed, a full-bodied thing that filled her with warmth.

"Well enough, and yes. Everything in hand." Taking her hand, he pulled her down beside him.

There came a knock at the door and Nigel appeared in the hallway. Opening it, he stood back and a women walked it. Chevonne couldn't tell if it was nerves or something less natural that was making her jumpy, but when her eyes landed on Chevonne, they widened.

"No, I don't do crowds. He can't make me," the woman said before Nigel whispered in her ear. Without another word, she followed Nigel down the hall in the direction...

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