Chapter Five

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Slowly she started, recounting the details of the ill-fated drive from the burning home. Telling them about the time under the mountain, her gulp of whiskey at the intended rape was all she allowed to show her distress. Elliot made a move to come to her, but she gestured for him to sit back down.

"He didn't get the chance, because I killed him. I'm fine."

She glanced at Trey before telling them about how he helped her and Madelyn find their way through the system of tunnels and how he had sacrificed himself to aide in the getaway. Nikolas glanced and him and gave him a nod. Trey shrugged and Chevonne smiled at the beginning of what she felt would be a friendship.

Simmons part was next and he stood in the door as she described the way the people almost killed her before they turned the gun on Madelyn. Lily's second rescue of them before she turned the injured man. The car ride before moving on to the plane ride. That was when she was told that her lovers were still alive. They landed with nowhere to go and how they went back to the beginning.

The scribbled note that said goodbye to those that went through hell with her and the long walk to Draven's home.

She glossed over the details of that stay, but she knew the vampires understood what that cost. Madelyn never needed that knowledge.

"The time doesn't add up," Caleb said and she sighed.

"It doesn't matter."

"It matters," Nikolas said, turning to look at Draven. "You did something."

Draven took a seat in a chair and turned empty eyes to him. "I did a lot, Nikolas. But I am a man of my word. We negotiated and then I failed. I broke a point and through that, dissolved the rest of the agreement and here you are. Weeks early."

Elliot wouldn't sit for that one and got to his feet. "What did you do to her?" he growled.

"Elliot, stop," Chevonne said, moving between the sitting vampire and her angry lover. "It's over. He fixed it. Please. I just got you back. Don't fight over things in the past."

He turned black eyes to her. "I told you that there was never anything worth coming to him for."

"And I disagree. It was going to be months of you five laying in the ground. You were so hurt. And I could fix it. I could make it better." She took a step toward him. "I had it within my power to do something to make it right and I took it. I have no regrets." Another step and he met her. She slid her hands up his chest and around his neck. "I can touch you again, Elliot. I can feel you all in my heart after so long without. Again, I regret nothing."

His head dipped and his lips moved over hers and she lost herself in his taste, in his touch. His arms circled her and she melted into his embrace.

"I thought I lost you," she whispered against his lips.

He lifted his head, eyes light brown once again. "I told you I would find you."

"And I'm selfish and didn't want to wait."

The deep laugh rumbled in his chest and she pressed her hands to it, feeling the vibrations and the steady thump of his heart.

"If we are through with this, I suggest we go over sleeping arrangements. My house isn't as large as Elliot's and so the fit might be tight."

"We don't need to impose any longer. I have a hotel that will house us."

How had Chevonne forgotten that? But the next words Draven said showed that it didn't matter.

"They know who you are, Elliot. They will know about the hotel. They don't know who I am and would have no reason to watch my home. Provided we are careful with the comings and goings, you should remain safe here."

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