Chapter Seven

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Okay, so, it's 1:51 AM and I just finished it. My brain hurts but it's that good kind of ache. 

Standard warning. THIS IS RAW. Like, from my brain to paper, all in a hurry. I know there are things I am going to have to go back and tweak, but I'm still very happy with it. 

Also, this was supposed to be a trilogy. It's not going to be. There will a fourth book. There was simply too much stuff going on. 

Please bear with me and I love you

<3 <3


She didn't know how much time had passed before a soft brush of fingers across her shoulder woke her. Turning, she found Nikolas leaning over her.

"We thought that you might be hungry," he said and she reached up, touching his face.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep," she said. And she didn't. Not really. She had them back and she didn't want to waste the night time by sleeping.

His gray eyes smiled down at her. "You probably needed it," he said and she blushed at the tone in his voice. One that said that he knew everything that had went on behind her closed door.

She let him pull her up and she winced at the ache in her body.

Of course, he saw it. "He didn't go too far, did he?"

She laughed, ignoring the increased heat in her cheeks. "Not at all."

Not willing to state the obvious, she kept her thought in her head. After Draven, her tolerance was much higher.

"Thank you for waking me. I should be down in a few minutes. I want to take a shower,"

He brushed his lips across her head and pulled her to her feet. It was a decidedly odd feeling to be standing naked beside a fully dressed Nikolas. A Nikolas who's eyes darkened as they traveled her form.

"Behave," she said, turning from him before the heat from his gaze could ignite the coals that constantly smoldered when she was around them. She enjoyed the ache in her body, but was certain that doing that again so soon would have her bedridden.

His fingers traveled the length of her spine and she rushed to the bathroom, his laughter following her.

The only thing she could do was shake her head.

She rushed through the warm shower before dressing in a nightgown and robe. She wanted jeans or leggings, but her skin was still to sensitive for it. Even the brush of silk could have her swallowing air if she wasn't careful. But, she was Nyx's daughter and her bonded vampires were awake and that delicious sting would soon be gone.

Bare feet took her down the stairs and she turned into the dining room. Elliot was there along with Draven, in his usual seat across the table. Nikolas held out her chair and she couldn't help but roll her eyes at the slight grin he bestowed upon her. She was going to have to sit. And he knew what that would do to her and she could hide it, damn it.

Easing down, she thought she did a good job until she looked up and the smile on Draven's face made her take a deep breath.

He knew she hurt. But he didn't have to know that she liked it.

Nikolas pushed her chair in, the movement making her shift and she closed her eyes, hands fisting in her lap.

New rule. No more spanking.

Forcing her eyes open, she looked away from the lifted brow over beautiful eyes. It wasn't his concern.

Elliot leaned in to her. "Are you alright?"

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