Chapter Sixteen

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After blessedly dream-free sleep, Chevonne woke. The peace from the night before was still with her as she got out of bed and headed to the shower. A sense of purpose also filled her. She was making steps for a new beginning. One with those she loved. Hurrying through it, she dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and pulled her hair back into a messy ponytail.

There was work to be done.

Feeling lighter of heart then she had in a long time, she went downstairs and turned into the dining room before heading to the kitchen. She needed coffee and patience.

Having made a plan, she was eager to start.

She stood at the kitchen window, watching as the sun disappeared behind the mountains where she had bled for her life.

She didn't need to hear him. Everything inside her knew he was there. She took a sip as the hairs on her arms rose. He was closer and she took a step back, his chest against her back. His arms circled her and she sighed.

"Good evening," he said and she smiled.

"Indeed it is," she said. "A very good evening." She turned in his arms and looked up into quiet eyes. "Things are happening. Good things."

"That was what you printed in the office?"

She nodded, having forgotten that he was on the phone. "Yes, I heard back from the Realtor that I wanted to sell my apartment. She said that there was already someone on her list for a unit in my building. Elliot, Nikolas and I are going there tonight to clean up all the broken things when they broke in. Hopefully, this will only take a couple of days and then we can do the walk through with her and the potential buyer."

"Do you still have a lot there?"

"Memories," she said with a smile, thinking of what he said. "And those things I'll always have. No, my most treasured thing burnt in the fire."

"What was it?"

"Well, aside from my vampires, it was my violin."

"You play?"

"Not now."

He smiled. "Of course not. I'm surprised, that's all."

"You know a lot about me Draven. However, you don't know me."

His arms dropped from around her waist.

"You are right. I don't. Perhaps I should seek to change that."

"Perhaps I'll negotiate with you."

He frowned. "I—"

She touched his lips. "Not everything in the world is pain, Draven. If you get curious enough, you will find that out. I would give you my address, but under the circumstances..."

He laughed. Once again, she was struck by how beautiful it was. Something she didn't get to hear often enough.

"There is no 'get' curious, cuore mio, I stay that way with you."

"Fine, then, one day soon. But not now. They will be down here soon and I want nothing to interrupt my payment," she said, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair. "I love it when you leave it down."

"That could have played a role in my decision to leave it down."

"But you don't ca—"

"Sometimes I do."

"I'm glad now is one of those times. I would love to have one night where everything goes well."

He took her hand and pressed his lips to her knuckles. One last look and he let her go, turning away to walk out of the room.

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