Chapter Fifteen

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There was a knock on the door and this time, Chevonne wasn't going to look. But then, it wasn't for Draven. It was for Jaylen.

She kept her back to the door and Draven caught her eye when he came out. His smile was the wicked one but he said nothing. Low voices were heard before they moved away. They didn't go down the hallway, they had to be going to Jaylen's room and she let out a breath.

"He's going to be fine," Elliot said, taking her hand.

"I know. I just hate how rough this is on him. If he hadn't come after me..."

"Then you might still be in that place. Or having had Trey help you escape, he would have died," Nikolas said and she glanced at Trey.

He shrugged. "He's got a point,"

"I know," she said. "But it doesn't mean I have to like it."

She leaned against Nikolas but sat up as Draven said her name. He came to her and sat in the coffee table. He took her hands and unlike the first time they were like this, she didn't try to pull away.

"Might I make a suggestion?" he asked, glancing at both her and Elliot.

"Of course," she said.

"He will be fine, over time. Lily didn't know of the threat from the Sons when she left him here. The... agitation...he is feeling is being enhanced by the fact that he can't hunt nightly. Three nights is an excruciatingly long time for a fledgling. Mentally and physically, he is hurting. And then, there is you."

"What can I do for him?"

"I would suggest getting in touch with Lily. Have her come and take him."

"Will he be alright?"

"Certainly. Under normal circumstances, he's a perfectly fine. Well balanced and strong. One can't really ask for more in a fledgling. However, these are extraordinary circumstances."

"Have you discussed this with him?"

"I have. He doesn't want to hurt you, either mentally or physically. But he agrees that it's best."

She glanced at Elliot and he reached for his phone before standing and walking away.

Draven let go of her and rose to his feet. "I know you will miss him, but it's for the best."

"I wish I could bond with him,"

"Sooner then you think, he'll have his teeth in you."

"Good. The... anticipation... is uncomfortable."

Draven laughed and Elliot turned to look at him. He hung up and came to them. "They were on their way back. Should arrive tomorrow. They know to look out for the others."


"How many of them do you suppose are out there?" she asked.

"I have no way of knowing. I've never hunted them."

"Do they all wear the same vest?" Elliot asked.

"Based on what Jaylen said, I would imagine."

Elliot smiled, a cold one that she hadn't seen in a while. A cold one that made her shiver. "I do believe the time has come to join the hunt," he said.

"Elliot, no!" She was on her feet in a heartbeat. "You can't. You didn't see what one of them did to Caleb. How close he was to death."

"I was told. And I believe. I'm not saying we should be reckless, love. I still wish to heart those sweet words from you, and I can't do that if I'm gone."

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