Chapter Nine

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A few minutes later, they were on the way. Draven drove while Nikolas took the passenger seat. Caleb and Jaylen rode in another one of Draven's cars, leaving a few minutes behind them. She knew they were looking out for anyone that might be following them. She didn't know anything about Caleb's previous life, but she would guess military of some sort. And Jaylen was a detective, having worked through the ranks. They would know what to keep an eye out for and she sat back and took a deep breath.

That didn't keep her nerves from skyrocketing, however.

They blew up Elliot's home, knowing that he would get her out. What was a car?

She tried to rationalize things. A car explosion would kill her. Too confined of an area. They wouldn't do that. Guns would be useless against those with her. Unless they were coated with Madelyn's blood.

Or, if they found a different descendant.

"Chevonne, you have to breath," Draven said and she tried. Gods knew that she tried. Why now? Why the panic?

But she was and and there was no way to hide it.

She walked barefoot through the city in daylight hours, uncaring of who might have seen her. What was happening to her?

Trying to speak through a throat tight with fear, she knew she didn't make much sense.

"If they shoot... if it burns... kill me..."

Doors on either side of her opened.

Was it them?

"Kill me" she tried to say. "Can't... take me."

Hands grabbed her arms from behind and she fought, her racing heart drowning out everything but her terror. Twisting hard to her left, she bit into flesh as she kicked another attacker.

Muffled sounds were heard, but that was all they were. Sounds.

Was it Jax? Coming to finish the job? Was it the others? The ones that burnt her lovers? Was it her 'mother', ready to make her scream again for things so far beyond her control?

Grinding her teeth, they snapped together when someone grabbed her hair, snatching her head back. Trying to twist away, yanking against the hold of her hair.

"You can't do this. I can."

That meant nothing to her and she lashed out, grazing someone with her nails.

"Let go."

More empty words and she was lifted, a hand running up the back of her shirt. No! He wasn't going to get her! She went wild, twisting and turning, fighting for freedom then a line of white heat ran down her spine. She froze, feeling the warmth of her blood trail down her flesh. That pain tickled her brain... She had felt it before.

Her name was said, but she wouldn't answer. They thought they broke her. They thought wrong.

With a growl, she twisted,surprise giving her the advantage and she broke free, only to be taken from the front. Her curse broke off as another line of agony was carved down her back, deeper this time. Again she froze, fighting against what she knew Jax wanted. She wouldn't scream again.

"Chevonne," a voice said. A voice she knew. "Come back." A voice she had to follow.

Ever so slowly, she returned to herself. Nikolas was behind her, running his hand down her healed back and Draven, of all people, sat in front of her with his hands on her face. His eyes bored into hers and she dropped hers. His curse said everything.

"Would that I could order you to cry." His voice was harsh as her head dropped.

"I can't," she said, voice rough.

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