Chapter Fourteen

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His deep breath was the only sign of surprise from him.

"You would like for me to take your life."


He ran his hand through his hair and she wanted to follow it.

"I... Do..."

"I know the payment will be high, Draven. I know what it is you will be giving me," she said, voice soft.

He sat back in the chair. "This is what you walked through the streets to ask me,"

She nodded. "I was told, in a dream, that I needed strength and that it would come with a heavy price. I didn't know what it meant. Even after learning of you and how you can create vampires that skip blood lust. Coming to you was something I never would have done. But sitting in that fucking cage, trying to imagine a way that I would make it out alive, it came to me. What I had to do in order to stop them, once and for all."

He watched her, so still and quiet, he could have passed of a beautiful statue.

"I can't do it now." He held up his hand as she began to speak. "I'll give you what you want,but I won't do it while the Sons hunt. If they see you now, they won't touch you. But as soon as you step into my world, you are fair game."

"Do you know how long it will take?"

"In such a hurry to scream again?"

"My nightmare was because I changed my mind, which I almost did. My lovers were safe and whole. I was safe. Elliot could make changes to the security systems to keep a better watch. I didn't need to change. But that dream... Time is running out."

"You should count your blessings that you negotiated for them first, mia bella. Had this been your opener, those negotiations would have gone much differently."

Her shoulders relaxed. "It doesn't matter. First or second, it's the price I have to pay."

"Have you told the others?"

She shook her head. "No, because they will either argue with me about it, or want to do it themselves and I don't have the time it will take to be normal. I need to be strong."

"Bella, I don't believe I've met anyone stronger."

She flushed. Why did that mean so much to her? "So, about the negotiations," she said and he shook his head.

"That too will take time and I don't know that I want you as a human to pay it or you as a monster. Both have merits."

"What is the difference?"

"Humans are fragile. So easy, even with having gone over everything, to cross a line. As you know. It's thrilling to me to walk on that edge. To know that I hold life in my hands and not in my teeth." He took her hand again. "But with you like me, you could take a lot more, but it loses that."

"Again, you have a point." She shivered but left her hand in his. She meant what she said. She accepted him.

"Now, I won't mention it to anyone. You have my word. But you must tell them before it happens. As I respect you, I respect Elliot and the others that have tried to keep you safe. I'm not saying I require their consent. I don't. This is your decision and I didn't realize how true the words I spoke too Caleb were. This is the biggest decision and they need to honor it. No, this arrangement is between you and I. But I will have to send you to sleep for a few nights. They need to know so they don't worry. They also need to know why you chose me instead of one who loves you."

She nodded. "Of course." Already, she was dreading that conversation.

"Was there anything else you wanted to discuss with me?"

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