Chapter Twenty-Two

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Like... that's all I got... ACK!


The seventh morning, she woke, fear and excitement filling her.

It was time. Time to learn of her future. Forgoing coffee, she hurried through her shower before coming out and finding a steaming cup on the little table.

"I thought you might need it," Trey said and she spun, fingers gripping the towel. He cursed and turned away. "For some reason, I expected a robe."

"It's fine, Trey. We both know that one day we will end up in bed together." She took her cup and turned toward the bathroom. "I just wish it would hurry up," she muttered and his deep laugh sent a tingle down her spine.

She was leaning more toward the languid side and the anticipation was going to drive her crazy.

Changing direction, she headed to the dresser and grabbed matching underwear and stopping by the closet, she pulled out jeans and a light sweater. She wanted to wear the dress, but if they were going to be walking through a decaying home, it probably wasn't the best choice Taking her belongings with her she told Trey that he was welcome to stay before shutting the door.

After pulling on her clothes, she braided her hair and stepped back from the mirror.

Nerves and butterflies hit her and she wanted to laugh and throw up at the same time. But, she did neither. Holding her head high, she opened the door and Trey got to his feet.

"Just let me slip these on, and I'll be ready," she said, motioning to her sneakers.

"Take your time," he said and she couldn't do that. Filled to bursting with nervous energy, she needed to move, to hurry. Anything before she exploded.

Quickly, she tied them and got to her feet.

"I'm ready," she said and he laughed. "I'm so nervous, Trey. Why does she want to meet? What if I say or do something to push her away."

"You know better than to ask yourself those questions, Chevonne. You could live you life in that one spot, frozen by the 'what if'.

She blew out a breath. "Your right," she said. "I've been lectured about that before and I'm trying to learn." She held out her hand and he took it. "Let's do this."


Forty minutes later, Chevonne and Trey stood on the sidewalk in front of the home she was almost frantic to own.

It needed so much care and love and she wanted to give it to it. To make it beautiful once again.

A car pulled up and parked behind theirs.

The driver got out and went around, opening the door for a silver-haired woman. Slowly, she got out, with his help and she stood straight. She patted his hand before turning to face Chevonne.

"Ah, Miss Trevors. I'm delighted to meet you finally."

"As am I, Mrs Davies. How was the flight?"

"Boring as hell, as always, but the food was unexpectedly good. I was able to sleep some as well. But, we're not here to talk about such mundane things are we?"

Chevonne smiled, a genuine thing, because she already liked the older woman.

"First things first, before I waste any time, yours or mine, what are you planning, should I choose to sell to you?"

"It's a beautiful structure, ma'am. And for me, it holds one of my most terrifying memories. But from that memory is my life now." She had turned to look at the house and now she met sharp eyes. The green was light from age, but there was a sense that they missed nothing. "The beginning of a long fantastical story began here and now, I would love the chance to make a new beginning for it."

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