Chapter Six

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 Okay, so, I've decided and have already been kinda brainstorming. There will be four books in this series. With that decision, I'm a lot closer to finishing this then I originally believed. This will be the last single chapter post. The next one will be the complete (rest, for those already reading) novel. 

I think I made the right decision because as I was going over the things that would still need to happen to finish the story, I realized that I have enough. So, there is my update. I'm on chapter 17, so, it might run 20 to 21 chapters. 

ANYWAY, here you go!


She told him about the time she followed Jonathan to his death and some of the steps leading up to her sitting beside him on the sofa. Some he knew and she skipped those.

"That's a romantic notion. Going back to the beginning. You realize this is where our part also began? When Colvin messed up and Livia sought my help?" Draven asked, watching her.

"At the time, I didn't consider that. But you're right."

"Do you still wish to go through with it, knowing it's now tainted?"

"It isn't time for us to talk yet, Draven. Elliot will be waking soon and I don't think he will understand what I want to say. But believe me when I say that the taint is something only you see."

Silence fell over them and he reached out, slower this time, and he ran his fingertips down her cheek. The warmth was so intense, almost hot, as he watched her eyes and she met his gaze with no fear. A thumb ran softly over her bottom lip and she fought to urge to lean into the gentle touch.

How did he constantly confuse her?

"Am I interrupting?" Elliot's voice came from the door and Chevonne pressed her hand over Draven's before turning and waving her love to her side.

Draven shifted and Elliot sat on her other side as she told him what she was doing. How she had begun looking for the owner of the house she wanted before his house was destroyed.

"Why would you want it?"

Draven looked across her and told Elliot "I asked her the same thing."

Chevonne laughed, a soft thing that had both sets of eyes on her. "I told him, and he basically called me a romantic fool." She took Elliot's hand in hers. "I want it because it's the start of everything."

The light-brown eyes softened and he smiled, leaning back. "That's sweet," he said. "It's also wise. Aside from us, the ones that knew about that place are gone. It's a safe place for you."

"And you. Elliot, I can't replace what you lost. I know that. But you can rebuild, the same as I'm going to do. But, while you do it, you can stay with me."

"You said that you were wanting it before the attack?"

She nodded.

"Were you going to leave us?"

"I don't think so. But at the same time, I wanted it desperately. A decision that was sealed when I threw a shoe at your wall."

"Because of Lily."

She nodded. "Again, I know I have no reason to be jealous. I shouldn't have been in the first place. You are not my only lover and it's unfair to you that I was upset. But, even getting over that, I still wanted it. Perhaps as a safe house or something like that. But the night we went against Livia, while we were there, it was sad to be watching the end of our beginning. So," she shrugged, "I want to give it a new beginning. Retaining as much as I can of the original and modernizing it. I want a safe place in the cellar for humans, in case something happens. But also a way for you guys to get to the earth."

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