A stranger saved my life today.

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So before I start this story, I want to let y'all know that this story is mostly to help me deal with a lot of crap in my life. Writing takes me away from reality for a while and I love it with my soul, so that's what this book is for. If you feel like going through whatever roller coaster I'm going to put this book through, you are free to keep on reading. Also.. Profanity Warning..so watch out for that.

Leiana woke up to the sounds of breaking glass and a painful jab in her left side. She instantly curled into a ball and rolled over in pain as her side burned in agony.

"This is what happens when you act like a whore, you bitch!" said the man responsible for her pain. Leiana closed her eyes as she heard a familiar yelp of pain from her mother and the slamming of the door. As soon as she was sure the assailant was gone she got up and raced to her mum who clumped against the wall. Her soft lavender hair was disheveled and purple bruises were littered all over her body. Leinana gently eased her onto her back and put her hand over the bruises on her body.

"Planetary Recovery Magic: Pluto's Cold Kiss," She whispered.  Small white particles appeared around the room and fell gently on her mother's body. After a few moments, all the bruises were healed and Leiana let out a breath of relief

"Leiana.." A soft voice rang out.

Leiana turned her head to her mother smiling gently at her. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.." She murmured as she put her hand on Leiana's cheek. Leiana gently shook her head and grasped her mother's hand. 

"I'm fine, just protect yourself." She replied. She left go of her mother's hand and started to walk away. 

"W-wait, Leiana!" Her mother called out. Leiana turned her head questionably towards her mother. "Be careful out there, just make sure not to use that magic of yours in public" She said nervously. Leiana nodded and left the small house.

Unlike a lot of girls her age, Leiana set to work early in the morning. She quickly arrived at the tavern she worked at, put on her apron, and got to work serving drinks to the men of her community. She ignored the cat-calls and perverted, drunk men, and kept on working until her boss told her she could go home.

"This is it for the week" The bar-keeper said, tossing a few coins into Leliana's hands. She bowed politely and left her workplace. It had already gotten dark and her boss had clearly overworked her for such meagre pay, but she was too desperate to argue. 

As she walked home, the shadows grew longer and the sun had already set. Leiana looked worriedly at the sky and broke into a light jog to get home faster. However, she was stopped when a dark figure blocked her path. She stopped and turned around to run the other way, only to be stopped by another man. She started to panic as she felt the figures get closer. She began to focus her mana for an attack, but remembered her mother's words and hesitated. Before she could figure out an escape route, one of the men sprinted towards her and pinned her on the ground. Pain blossomed in her arm as the man put more pressure on it.

"Hey look, it's that whore's little kid," The man sneered "I bet you'd make a nice little slut yourself." The man's accomplice snickered and grabbed her chin, making her look at him. 

"Hm, she'll do nicely." He mused.

Leiana wrenched her face out of the man's hand and bit his hand earning him a shriek of pain. She barely had time to try and get away before a punch was delivered to her temple. She grunted in pain and kicked her legs in an attempt to get the man off her. The man raised his arm to deliver another blow, but suddenly froze as he found himself stuck in a glowing blue bubble.

Leiana felt the release of pressure on her arms and quickly rolled away only to see the second assailant was also trapped in a blue bubble. It looked as if he was stuck in time.

"Are you alright?" A voice asked.

She flinched and instantly backed away from the source of the sound. To her surprise, instead of another assailant, she saw a tall, blonde man draped in a blue fluffy cloak. He slowly approached her and repeated his question. She hesitantly nodded before glancing once more at his cloak. The man caught sight of the small bruises forming on her arm from the attack.

"You're hurt, let me help you." He said softly. He slowly grabbed her arm before Leiana snatched it away from him.

"I'll do it myself," she murmured as she grabbed her wrist. She closed her eyes and murmured her spell. 

Planetary Recovery Magic: Pluto's Cold Kiss. A white glow surrounded her arm and by the time it was gone, her bruises were too. She opened her eyes to the man's face inches away from hers. She yelped and backed away from him.

"Woah, what type of magic was that?!" He asked with glittering eyes.

"It's planetary magic...is there something wrong?" Leiana asked as the man seemed to be freaking out.

"Something wrong?? That's amazing magic! I've never heard of it." He exclaimed 

Leiana's eyes widened and she quickly glanced away as a slight blush dusted her features. "W-well, it's not that great. You should see the other clan members' magic." She murmured.

The man gave a small chuckle and ruffled the girls hair. "You should try joining the magic knights once you have your grimoire." He said with a smile.

The girl's mood instantly dropped and her eyes wandered to the ground. "I can't. Clan rules say that no one can leave." She said. She lifted her shirt slightly to reveal a dark blue book with silver embroidery; a silver four pointed star on the cover. "Even if you do have a grimoire, they keep everyone on clan grounds." she said.

The man cocked his head in confusion when he saw her grimoire. "Wait, how old are you?" He asked.

Leiana blinked, "I'm 8, why?" She said, looking at him curiously.

The man seemed deep in thought for a couple second before waving his hand frivolously. "Nothing, just curious."

The girl raised an eyebrow at his behavior before she heard heavy footsteps coming in their direction. "You should go. Outsiders aren't allowed here, you'll be killed." She explained worried.

The man hastily nodded before turning to leave. "Will you be alright?  You're too young to be out alone this late." He asked.

Leiana's eyes widened at the concern behind his voice before giving him a small smile. "I'll be ok. I'll use my magic." She said, as she pat the place her grimoire was hidden. She turned to leave before she realized she forgot something.

"Wait!" She called out. Luckily the man hadn't left yet and he turned around to meet her eye. 

"My name is Leiana..What's yours?"

"Julius." He replied with a smile. And just like that, he was gone.

Leiana barely had time to register his disappearance before a group of men appeared at the end of the street looking for their buddies Julius had previously taken care of. She let out a small yelp and took off running. 

Luckily for her, the men weren't in the best shape, so she quickly outran them and entered her house. Even more lucky for her, her father parents were asleep as well. She sighed at their obvious disinterest for her whereabouts and sat down on her straw mattress. She took out her grimoire from under her shirt and traced the silver lining on the spine of the book. 

"Amazing magic, huh" She murmured.

She concealed the book once again under her shirt and closed her eyes as the stress from the day pulled her to sleep.

"Maybe one day..."


A/N: Well if you've gotten this far, I hope you liked it. Have a great day! Also, be sure to check out my other book: Paradisiacal! It gets updated a lot more frequently than this one, so if you like Demon Slayer you might enjoy it!

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