𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻

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"Rise and shine." I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Did you have a good rest?" Xiao Zhan asked. "It was ok." I responded. I got out of bed and went to go have a quick shower. After showering Xiao Zhan had already prepared breakfast. "Looks good." I complemented. He smiles and gestures me to sit down. I walk over and sat down.

3rd person Pov
Yibo walked over to the table and sat down. "Don't hide this ridiculous act from me. Your not Xiao Zhan are you." Xiao Zhan looked up at him confused. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Don't play dumb! Whoever you are! You are not Xiao Zhan!" Yibo pointes at Xiao Zhan angrily. "Dear it's me Xiao Zhan. Have you hit your head somewhere?" He tried to moved closer to Yibo but only failed to do so. Shut up!you aren't Xiao Zhan! Xiao Zhan has never cooked in his old life! In the span of those six months I know for a damn fact he can't learn to to cook like this!"

Xiao Zhan frowned. "I was trying to knock you out nicely but it seems I have to do it the hard way." Xiao Zhan suddenly jumped over the table with a tranquilizer in his hand. Yibo trusted his instincts and quickly grabbed the fork on the table and started running, but it wasn't long when he was captured. "Don't even try. I can kill your dear lover right now so I suggest be good and come with me." Yibo struggled but soon gave in. There was no escape. "Now tell me where the kid is."

"I'll never tell you!"

Yibo Pov flashback
I pulled him into a hug. "I have a bad feeling about Xiao Zhan. I feel like he isn't himself. Take FanXing far, far away from here. Don't even stay in China. Go far away as you can with FanXing. I don't trust Xiao Zhan at all. In the next two weeks if you don't receive any message from me you'll know I'm right about Xiao Zhan being dangerous. I'll leave you one last message ok? Take care of FanXing for me."

"Yes It has been awhile. Don't worry I'll take care of the kid." When we pulled away FanXing came running to us. "Uncle! Uncle I'm ready!" Wen Ning picked FanXing up smiling and pinching his cheek. I watched as Wen Ning carried FanXing away. My heart clenched in pain, tears threatened to fall but I hid it all back inside me. Keeping all my pain and sadness bottled up.

End of flashback
"Their long gone! You'll never find my son!"

"You bitch!" I was hit with a sudden dizziness. "You..."
I woke up chained with my hands above my head. I was no longer in my home. The room I was in was made out of metal. Barely any light could be dimmed in except for the the two small windows on the walls near the door. The door was suddenly opened and Xiao Zhan came in, no wait, that fake Xiao Zhan. "Who are you!? What do you want?!" I shouted and kicked but it was useless. He stood there smirking. "I want you to marry me." I winded me eyes. "Why would I do that?!"

"Because I can kill your dear Xiao Zhan At anytime I want." Such a cruel man. "You- your so evil! I will never marry you! I don't even know you!" He walked closer. "Oh but you do know me Wang Yibo. I'm Xiao Yili, Xiao Zhan's twin." His hands held my face and pulled me closer to him. "You'll marry me weather you like it or not dearie."

He smirks again before leaving. My eyes filled with tears. Xiao Zhan I love you.

For what seems like forever the door was opened again and some random people came in. "Take him to master." The people unchained me and took me to another place. We got to a car and suddenly one of the guys took out a needle and injected it into me.

Hours later I woke up in unfamiliar room. "Yibo your awake." I looked next to me and saw Xiao Zhan. No, that's Yili. "Here, eat this." He took a spoon full of soup and brought it up to me. I turned my head away. "Do you seriously think I'll eat that? Pfft, sorry to give your hopes up I'll never eat." He sighed in defeat. "Fine. Just eat it on your own." He got up and left the room. I sat there for about five minutes resisting the urge to eat the soup. "Argh! whatever for survival I'll eat it."
"I see your back." I crossed my arms and looked at Yili. "You ate the soup." He smiled. I felt my heart start race. What the hell is wrong with me?! "I'll take the soup now. I'll see you tomorrow." He said before grabbing the empty bowl and left.

The next day
I woke up to see Yili sleeping next to me. I screamed. "Eeeeehhh!" I quickly got up from the bed in panic. "Even if you try to run away my body guards will take you back inside the mansion." Argh! Why do I feel like I'm in one of those bts fanfics where the girl gets captured by a mafia bts gangster or whatever and they fall in love. Gosh this is so weird.

"Well why were you even laying down next to me!!!" I shouted while pointing at him. "Relax I didn't do anything other then hold you last night." I widened my eyes. "You what!?" I breathed in and out. No way. "You even hugged me back crying for Xiao Zhan so I comforted you." He shrugged his shoulders and got up. "I was helping you." He walked over to me.

"Shouldn't I receive at least a thank you."

𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 book 2 [✅] completed {mpreg} (going under editing)Where stories live. Discover now