𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿

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"How long are we gonna keep this act up for."

"Until their old enough then we can go our ways."

"Which will take years."

"I know that but it's not like we can just do it now. They miss us and if we decide to go our ways now, what do you think will happen."

"It won't go very well will it. Fine, we'll just pretend we're perfectly fine until then." Yibo puts all the nice clean cut vegetables into the boiling pot of water and turns to face Xiao Zhan. "I don't think I can wait that long. Why don't we just separate in a couple of months."

"You- what do you think your doing. What about the kids? Did you forget you have-"

"I've been long cured and afterwards you and I both realized that we are two completely different people with different dreams. Five years ago we fought hard to get to where we are but now, we're different... and I'm sorry but I can't live like this forever. Being tormented by own fear everyday and every night. I want to be free and explore the world. So please, just let me go."

"It's pretty clear that we both aren't just gonna work. If I leave I'm taking Yao Zhan with me." Yibo crosses his arms and stares angrily at Xiao Zhan. "Then what about FanXing."

"You'll keep him then."

"Mommy's gonna leave me?" FanXing stares at Yibo with tears in his eyes. "Are you gonna abandon me..." Xiao Zhan quickly runs up to FanXing and hugs him. "No one is gonna leave you, don't cry." Yibo's eyes softens when he sees FanXing in tears. That wasn't what he meant. He didn't mean to hurt FanXing's feelings. Yibo wanted to hug FanXing but something in him stopped him from moving. Feeling guilt growing inside him Yibo stands there staring at his son who was now crying with Xiao Zhan who was trying to calm him down.

"Mommy is gonna leave me!!" FanXing sobs loudly. "It's ok, it's ok. Why don't we go back to the living room and play ok?" FanXing sniffs and nods his head before going into the living room. After about twenty minutes Xiao Zhan comes out. "What the hell is wrong with you." Yibo grips tightly on the pot handle and turns around. "I didn't mean to ok? I just don't think you and me will be able to last for the next six years or so until FanXing understands."

"We aren't even married so why do I have to to stay for so long." Xiao Zhan closes his eyes as anger fueled up inside him. "Fine, in the next six months we'll go our separate ways."

After having dinner the two goes to bed. They lay in bed with thirteen backs facing each other. The room felt empty yet it was full of things. Xiao Zhan who couldn't sleep get's up to go sleep in the guest room. Yibo who sees Xiao Zhan leave doesn't complain nor stops him like how he used to do when they were still happy.

The next day the two gets up and prepares the kids for school. Xiao Zhan Yibo pretends to be happy until the kids enters the school bus. Xiao Zhan who quickly get's ready leaves the house to maintain the company while Yibo is home cleaning and cooking for himself. It continued on like this for a solid three months. Barley any communication. The most they ever talked to each other was when they were visited by their families to have a gathering party. Xichen who had exceedingly got better and was discharged from the hospital came to see his younger brother. That day was the first time in a long time Yibo had cried tears of happiness.

Yibo and Xiao Zhan talked happily with each other pretending everything was alright. But then every boring painting has to have at least something unique to it right?

"Sweetheart, wake up."

Yibo slowly opens his eyes to see Xiao Zhan hovering over him. "What do you need?" He asked tiredly. "You." Yibo widens his eyes. "Are you crazy?!" He yells in a whisper. "Xiao Zhan, the kids are sl-"

"After all these months have you completely forgotten about me?" Yibo who freezes. "You-"

"Your family are asleep with my guards watching them. If you make even a sound and they wake up, my men will kill them with no hesitation." Tears rolls down Yibo's cheeks. He wouldn't would he? All the fear came running back at Yibo like a truck hitting him. He started to tremble in fear as Yili held a gun to his head. "You know, our family are full of mafia's. Even Xiao Zhan is one himself." Yibo froze completely. "How do you think he has so many people helping him. Our father was a mafia. He used the company as reputation build up to make him look good even though he took thousands of lives with Xiao Zhan along his side.

Xiao Zhan took lives of the innocents himself. He even killed a child with his very own hands. Did you know a couple years back at the lantern festival we're there was mass shootings Xiao Zhan was there. Since everyone wore masks it was impossible to capture Xiao Zhan and his crew. You were there too remember." Yibo's breathing becomes heavier as he remembered the day he was at the lantern festival rally.

"Ahhhh!!!" Many people were shot dead. Some were knifed while others was shot. There was so many people wearing masks it was impossible to tell if anyone was chasing after you or not. Terrified, Yibo tried to escape. I'm only twenty, Jesus don't let me die now. Suddenly a another gunshot was fired. Yibo screams as someone stood behind him holding Yibo in place. He quickly turned around to see a man protecting him as blood was oozing out of his shoulder. "Sir are you ok?!"

"I'm ok, just keep running." Yibo turns around and quickly runs but not for long. He was suddenly held in place. "Surprise." A random person whispers in his ear before feeling a something cold on his neck. Soon enough the man was tackled down from the mysterious person earlier. "Go! Now!" The person yells and Yibo continued running.

Present day
"No way."

"Yes way dear, I helped you remember. Now it's your turn to return the favor."

To be continued
Woah, cliff hanger :>
Welcome back Yili who has disappeared for a few chapters now makes a return visit~

𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 book 2 [✅] completed {mpreg} (going under editing)Where stories live. Discover now