𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

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Xiao Zhan Pov five years ago
The room was cold and empty except for the pole that I was chained to. It was silent. Not even a single sound could be heard. Suddenly two gun shots fired and people screamed of pain. "Get them!!!!" A man shouted. I lift my head up to see the door being barged open. "Wen Ning?" I said with a hoarse voice. "No more talking, I need to get you out of here." Wen Ning takes a key out of his pocket and unchains me. "Your too weak to run, let me carry you." Wen Ning quickly picks me up and starts running. "Xiao Zhan escaped! Get them!" A guy shouted. I looked back to see a guy with at least five other people behind him. "Wen Ning hurry." I said with a low voice. "I know."

After turns after turns we found a exit. Wen Ning opens the door and rushes inside a van that was waiting outside. "Go! Go! There on our tail!" He shouts. "Boss! We need to kill them first so they can't inform Yili about Xiao Zhan!" One of the men spoke. "Call for back up, quick!" The man nodded and started driving. "Wen Ning?" He smiles and helps me sit. "It's been awhile huh."

"How did you find me?" I asked, "it's a long story but when Yibo came back from the hospital he suspected that something was wrong with you so he called me and asked me to take FanXing away into safety. He also mentioned that in two weeks if I still haven't heard from him I should to go to the house because he left a clue there just Incase."

"And?" Wen Ning sighed. "He left a note with a name on there, Xiao Yili and that was it. Nothing else. But I did do some research on the guy and found out-" I covered his mouth. "I've already heard the story, he's my twin." I removed my hand and he continued to speak. "I need to bring you back to my extra house I have just Incase they locate our location to my house." I nod my head and closed my eyes. "Please don't panic but Yibo is getting married today." I choked. "He's gonna what?! I need to save him!" Wen Ning tried to calm me down.

"Please calm down Xiao Zhan, we'll try our best to help Yibo but first you need to rest if your gonna save him."

A couple hours later
Upon hearing the front door open I run down the stairs to see Wen Ning with blood all over him. "Where's Yibo?" I asked but he looked down refusing to look at me. I grab his hand tightly with tears in my eyes. "Where is he!?" Wen Ning shook his head slowly. "H-he's gone... I failed." Hearing the news I drop to the ground in tears. "N-no, he isn't dead. He's still alive!" Wen Ning tried to help me up but I pushed him away. "You have to find him! He is still alive!"

Wen Ning shook his head. "Xiao Zhan, he was pulled into the fire. I saw it with my two own eyes." More tears rolled down my eyes, "No! Your lying! Please Wen Ning! I'm begging you! Find him!!" Wen Ning sighs. "Alright, I'll try my best."
Present Yibo Pov
"Do you love me?" Yili asked. I smiled and nod. "I'll always love you." When Yili fell asleep I quickly limp my way out of the room. Finally I can let the acting go. Tears formed in my eyes. "I don't have choice do I?"

Flash back Three years ago
3rd person Pov
Pretend to be my happy husband, pretend like nothing has ever happened in the past, pretend like Xiao Zhan had never existed."

"What...?" Yili smirked. "Don't you want to keep that son of yours alive?"

"I do."

Sorry! I have to end the chapter early because lately I've been having a really bad stuffy nose and I don't feel too good either.

𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 book 2 [✅] completed {mpreg} (going under editing)Where stories live. Discover now