𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

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"I do." Yibo looks at the ground ashamed. "I want to keep him alive." Yili smirked. He bends down to Yibo's height and uses his finger to move Yibo's chin up. "Deal?"

Present 3rd person Pov
After Yili falls asleep Yibo get's up and limps away. Finally dropping the happy husband act he crumbles to his knees. The emptiness in his heart could only be filled with despair. He get's up and attempts to walk back to his bedroom. Upon arriving he sees a small picture frame of him and Yili standing next to each other smiling brightly with Yao Zhan in Yili's arm. On his small table next to his bed. Yibo picks it up and sits on the soft mattress. He brushes his thumb against the picture and looks at Yili. Him and Xiao Zhan were so alike Yibo almost took Yili for Xiao Zhan sometimes.

Again, the feeling of desperation rushes through him. He wanted to run. He hated Yili more then anything. Yili had broke him to pieces and it would take years until he can be mended back together. With anger and frustration Yibo throws the picture on ground causing a small crack on the glass. Sighing Yibo goes to sleep preparing himself for the next day ahead of him.

Yibo shots his eyes open in a panic. He felt someone grabbing him. He opens his eyes up to see Yili picking him up. "What are you-"

"Shh, it's me, Xiao Zhan." With tears in his eyes Yibo manages to speak. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "To save your of course." Xiao Zhan picks Yibo off the bed and into his arms. "But I-I have to get my son." Yibo squirmed around trying to break free. "Wen Ning already has him." Yibo gives a questioning look at Xiao Zhan. "How did you...?" "Don't worry about it, come on we have to go now." Xiao Zhan whispers.

After sneaking out the two makes it to an escape van and rushes inside. When the two arrives and they are in the van with Yao Zhan asleep and Wen Ning driving away. Yibo looks at Xiao Zhan with teary eyes. "Do you know how much I've missed you?" Xiao Zhan smiles and nods. "I've missed you too." He pulls Yibo into a tight hug. Yibo inhales the minty sent that he hadn't smelled in years and smiles happily. Xiao Zhan too inhales the star berry vanilla sent and smiles. "It's been years since I've last seen your face you know, you look... different. Your hair is longer and you look more skinny and pale, what did he do to you over the years?"

Yibo shakes his slowly. "I don't want to talk about it." Pulling away Yibo looks out the window with a sad expression. "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." Yibo jolts and trembles. "Did I say something wrong?" Xiao Zhan asked. "N-no." Yibo's anxiety grew. He felt nervous, his heart beat increased, his hands were sweating. "You should keep the long hair, it suits you." He felt suffocated and dizzy. The whispers of Yili remains in his head. "You should keep the long hair, it suits you."

The words repeated itself over and over in Yibo's head.

Feeling like he couldn't breath anymore Yibo starts to breath through his mouth. Everything around him became a blur.

Hello everyone! I'm back after my long break! 😫 I'm sorry I made you guys wait so long but Yibo and Xiao Zhan are have been finally reunited!! Anyway I'm sorry for being gone for so long! I can't wait to start writing again!

𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 book 2 [✅] completed {mpreg} (going under editing)Where stories live. Discover now