𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻

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Yibo wakes up with his puffy eyes. "Where am I?" Yibo looked around the unfamiliar room. "Young master, your awake." Yibo jolted in surprise. "I'm sorry for scaring you young master but Master Yili wants to eat breakfast with you." Yibo gripped tightly onto the blanket. "Tell him that I don't want to eat with him." The maid began crying, "but sir, please eat with him. I'm begging you. He's holding my family hostage! I've already lost my little brother the last time I failed him." The maid got on her knees begging. As much as he hates Yili Yibo didn't want some innocent person to die because he didn't want to eat. Sighing in defeat he agreed. "Fine, but tell him I'm showering first." The maid smiled thanking him before leaving. "So cruel and evil, you even hold your own maid's family hostage." Yibo said angrily.

He gets up and starts walking but ends up falling to the floor. "Damn you Yili." He cursed under his breath. Yibo gets up again attempting to walk. "Young master?" Another maid enters suddenly causing Yibo to fall again startled. "Can anybody in this damn place knock!?" "I'm sorry young master for getting you scared but master Yili has ordered me to come help you since he figured you might not be able to walk after your recent activity's."

"Please don't even mention that, I don't want to to hear it." Yibo said with tears threatening to fall. "You haven't been eating well so please allow me to help you." The maid walks towards Yibo and helps him up. "But I need to shower." "Very well then, You can't stand probably yet so you'll have to take a bath instead." The maid helps Yibo to the bathroom. "Sit here, I'll get the water ready for you. After your done just call for me and I'll come get you." Before the maid could leave Yibo stops her. "Wait, can you get me some clothes?" He asked. The smiles and nods her head. "Of course." After a couple minutes she comes back with new sets of clothes. Yibo thanks her before she leaves. "Wait! I want to know something!" The maid turns around with a questioning look in her face.

"Yes?" She asked. "What's your name?"
"Thank you for helping me, Flower." Yibo thanks the her before sitting across from Yili. Flower bows before leaving. "What do you want." Yibo asked coldly. "Now love, don't be so cold towards your soon to be husband." Yibo frowns. "In your dreams." He mumbled. "Now let's eat~" Yibo are willingly as he knew there was no choice. Afterwards the two headed to the garden to relax. "You should grow your hair, it'll look beautiful." Yibo turned his head around and looked at Yili in disgust. "You wish." He rolled his eyes.

Yili smiles and places his head on Yibo's shoulder. "You better stop before I lose my fucking patients." Yibo felt shivers go down his spine as Yili whispered in his ear. Yibo gulped and nodded his head scared. "Good boy." Yili once again sits behind Yibo and plays with his hair. "F-fine I'll grow my hair out." Yibo stuttered.

Chapter twelve is coming very soon after this chapter!

𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 book 2 [✅] completed {mpreg} (going under editing)Where stories live. Discover now