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"It's their 18th birthday. By the end of the year they gather up and move on. They leave their parents, their friends. They leave their old life and start a new one. Only the special people do. Meaning 200 out of 6.6 billion people are special. There are taken without permission-It's their safety-But with a notice that they will come back at the age of 28.

The four elements: Air, Fire, Nature, and Water.

Each have something special. Each do something different. But all are very unique.

A water person is born every 100 years. They are the most rarest of all. There birth is determined by the first raindrop that falls when the child is born. No one knows a lot about the water borns. They are a mystery towards society. They have a unique sense and beautiful eyes. The best eyes out of the elements.

A nature person is born when something out of the ordinary happens. They are the most common in the Element population. It is usually determined by ancestors. No, there ancestor is not a tree mind you. But they were probably important. Or they were a nature born themselves. They are the most heartwarming and flirtatious out of all elements.

A fire person is born with the first spark lit. Usually there are more than one spark that is lit in the period of time. Only 80 people are born within 3 years. They are the best looking out of all the elements. They are the wildest and most dangerous out of all the elements.

An air person has a weird reason. There are many air borns. They are 50 air borns every year. It's a baby's first breath. But it must be a perfect breath. Enough oxygen to last them a lifetime. But sometimes it can be determined by ancestors. They have the best attitude. They have the best minds and the most calmest out of all Elements.

They all have one thing in common. Every four stage of elements has a birthmark. Fire has a flame. Water has a rain drop. Air has swirls and nature has leaves. All the elements are beautiful. They all have beauty. Weather it's inside, outside or both. Some don't mix and others mix. But putting them all together is the only safe thing. If they lived in the ordinary world for a long time they could be destroyed..."

My father explains to me the "different" world but it seems cool to me. It was one of my favorite stories that was told for many years. Myths they called it. But sometimes I find myself wishing I was one of the Elements. When I we as little I used to believe that the mark on my shoulder and my eyes would have something to do with the elements. Since I'm the only one with blue eyes and brown hair in the entire family. Everyone else has green eyes and red/brown hair. I felt special in the family... I wonder if I'm special in the world.

The door is knocked open when no one wanted to answer. "I'm sorry sir." Said a man. He wears all black. Looked very formal. Is there a party that I never knew? Must be part of my parents work? I watch as my mother drags herself out of the kitchen. "May I help you?" She asks giving my father a concerned look. "Were looking for Skylar-"

My father clears his troat. "Go upstairs." He says to me "I'll finish the story later." I nod and head up. There looking for me?

"Let's not do this today. What about tomorrow?" I hear my mothers voice. I stop in my tracks and sit on the stair step listening carefully. "I'm sorry Mrs.Pierre but today is the deadline for all el-"

"Sh." My fathers voice startles me. "Not out loud."

"She's not ready." My mother says but in a softer voice. "She cannot leave yet. Her birthday was just yesterday. She didn't even say goodbye to her friends. Heck she doesn't even know!" Know what? What am I suppose to know? For some reason I am trembling. I hold my hand so I would stop shaking. I'm probably cold. It's December and I'm underdressed for the weather.

"Mr and Mrs. Pierre. It is stated in the rule you have an element child. In order to keep things safe we keep her for 10 years. If things get worse probably more. Besides there are no such things as friends. It's only people." I hear a woman's voice say. I don't recall a women coming in. "It's either she comes down nicely and packed. Or we have to haul her out without anything and we can supply, you chose."

"Do we have visiting hours?" My father asks.

"I'm sorry. Not to many sir. Probably an hour a year." A man says.

"That's not fair. You're taking our own flesh and blood and letting her see us an hour per year?" My mothers voice snapped. I wonder what we're eating today? My mind goes out of focus and I concentrate again.

"Time is precious Mrs. Pierre." The female says.

"What about education will that be provided?" My father asks. I nod even though he can't see me. I want that. If I don't have it than I might not be in this world. I like books. Call me a bookworm or whatever but it's not changing my mind. My mother said that the books I read will lead my mind into some trouble. But then again I still read-so rebellious.

"Yes. They will be graduated and when they leave they will be provided to a job either working with us or having a job in the ordinary world." Ordinary world? Why is this so familiar- oh my. Oh my. I... Im an element? No. I can't be. I won't be. I wished to be but I thought it was a myth. That's why I was wishing. But if it was real I would never wish. I would never imagine myself being an element.

I hear my parent sigh. "Okay." My father agrees.

"Sign here." The lady says and I suppose there's a document. I hear the pen being clicked. "Sk-Skylar back you clothes dear and come down" I slowly walk up the stairs that were left. Walking into my room the first thing I pack is a picture frame of my parent. Then of my friends-to my people. I smile as I stuff them all the way down the bag hiding them. I change my clothes into jeans and a shirt. Then my leather jacket above it. I throw a white scarf and a black beanie. Carefully and slowly I pack the rest of my clothes. Thinking about where I got the clothing. Who got it for me. The price range. All the stupid things no one would think while packing. If I still thought the Elements where a myth I would have packed so quickly in a blink I would be across the world. But now in a blink I'm still standing there staring at the clothing. I pack a notebook. Some of my drawings and all my books. I force my bag to close. Slowly I look around the room. I smile and walk down the stairs carrying my bag.

I smile as I see my parents. The wrap me in a hug as someone takes my luggage. "You're special. You're an Element. Be careful." My father says. I nod trying to remove the warm tears that are threatening to fall.

"I'll-I'll see you in 10 years." I whispers as I detach myself from there arms. I look back one more time before I close the door behind me and head to my 10 years.

I am an Element... I wonder which one?

Elements #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now