|chapter 3|

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Neil was in his room after managing himself to escape from downstairs. Neil took his phone out and smiles seeing the wallpaper. He was adorning his phone wall paper when messaged flashed on his phone screen.  Before he could swipe up to see message there was knock on this door.

Neil got up and moves to open the door. He leans to the door and yells .

Neil : Bebe where you there?

Neil gulps his saliva after hearing swetha voice instead of Bebe.  Sweats starts forming on his forehead.

Neil composed himself and spoke.

Neil : mom... what.. are you doing.. here..

Swetha : Neil open the door..

Neil : mom... I was in washroom.. come later..

Swetha : isn't your excuse too old now.. stop making excuse and open the door..

Neil : mom.. please go.... away..

Swetha : Neil if you don't open the door then... I'll call avni...

Neil : mom.. please don't... I'm opening the door..

Neil took breath and moves from the door and slowly opens the door. He lifts his face up and saw swetha angrily staring him..

He immediately bowed his head down.

Swetha : Neil don't look down.. why didn't you tell me?

She shouted at Neil who snapped his head up and looks at swetha.

Neil : m......o.....m... mo.....m...

He stammering seeing her face while there was giggle heard by Neil.. Neil looks at the source and saw Bebe standing behind swetha and giggling.. Neil made annoying face and looks at Bebe..

Neil : Bebe I thought you was on my side..

Bebe : sorry tillu but your mother......

Swetha : Bebe you don't support him... and you Neil stop asking Bebe to save you... how could you meet avni alone? Why didn't you talk me? Even I would have gone with you..

Neil : mom... I'm sorry... I won't repeat it  again... please mom forgive me..

Swetha : stop.. don't show your puppy and innocent face of yours.. I won't melt this time.. answer me why you didn't take me with you... even I want to avni..

Neil felt banging his head on wall.. why would Neil take his mother to meet his girlfriend? What would swetha do between them? Neil gave look to Bebe and asked for help but Bebe shook her head. Neil made please face..

Neil : mom... you're angry because I didn't take you with me.. right.

Swetha bobbed her head immediately.

Neil : mom you can invite avni for dinner tonight..

Swetha smiles hearing Neil's idea.

Swetha : really... you won't have any problem?

Neil : why would I have problem inviting avni to our house for dinner?

Swetha : you proved today you're my son.. so proud of you Neil..

She smiles and left while Neil glares Bebe... Neil moves to Bebe and stood front of her.

Neil : Bebe why did you let me run to my room when you knew mom could come here?

Bebe gave him sheepishly smile..

Bebe : even I want to see avni...

Neil : uff mu family creates so much drama only to get Avni's attention.. what will happen when she comes to khanna house as daughter-in-law..

Heart filled with love yet drown in vegenance |completed|Where stories live. Discover now