|chapter 25|

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In India, at the airport.

Avni and reyansh landed In India an hour ago.. they were just waiting for the car to arrive.. Avni's heart was beating faster coming to the place where she left 4 years ago.. every memory she spent here was flashing into of her..

Reyansh entwined their hands and walks outside of the airport.. reyansh noticed a driver holding their name plate...

Reyansh : avni come... the driver is here..

Avni also follows his gaze and saw the driver.. both of them moved to the driver and greeted them.. the driver took the luggage and reyansh and avni followed the driver..

They all got inside the car and the driver drove away.. Avni's eyes were closed...her feeling was unknown.

The driver stopped the car at the hotel.. everyone got down the car... the driver took their luggage out...

Reyansh thanked the driver and holding his luggage walks inside the hotel.

Reyansh checking the room and taking the keys escorted avni to the room.. their rooms were beside each other.

Reyansh : baby the meeting is in the afternoon.. we have some hours to rest. Take some rest..

Avni nodding her head took the key of her room.. she walks in the room and sitting in bed released the breath she was holding...

Avni composing herself opens the bag and taking clothes to fresh up..

In the afternoon avni getting ready knocks reyansh room door.. in a second reyansh opens the door..

Avni: hey rey! Are you ready?

Reyansh: yes I am... why don't you come inside?

Avni: no, it's fine! We should get going.

Reyansh: yes! Give a minute.

Avni nods and stood at the door. A minute later reyansh with his things comes out of the room.

Reyansh: shall we leave beautiful..

Avni nods her  head and follows reyansh.

( Avni's outfit)

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( Avni's outfit)

The same driver took to the office where the meeting was held.

Whereas other hand Neil was still sleeping... his phone rang million times but he was unaffected..

Neil stirs in his sleep after an hour... he opens his eyes and saw the time... he didn't freak out like other days. In fact he was more relaxed which would be shocking for people to find..

Neil took his sweet time getting out of bed.. he walks to washroom and freshened up.

Neil comes out washroom with towel hanging around his waist.. his wet hair fell on his face.. Neil took his clothes out and walking to bed starts getting ready...

Heart filled with love yet drown in vegenance |completed|Where stories live. Discover now