|chapter 7|

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At khanna mansion Neil woke up as his phone rang continuously. He groaning in sleep stretched his left arm to get hold of the phone.

He brought the phone near his ear and spoke sleepily.

Neil : hello!

Neil jerkily sat up as he heard his pa voice. His eyes fell on the clock and freaked out seeing the time. He quickly ended the call and rushed to washroom.

He rushed his morning businesses while cursing himself. He then quickly wrapped a towel around his waist and ruffling his hair lightly walks out of the washroom.

He moving to closet took his officer wear and walks to bed keeping his gaze on the clock. He quickly got dressed then moves to his dressing table. He pulls the drawer and took watch it. He combed his hair and glancing himself in mirror took his bag and rushed out of his room..

Neil : shit..

Neil ran back to his room and saw his phone lying on the bed. He rushed to bed and took his phone before rushing downstairs.

He walking down the stairs dialled Avni's number but no answer. He frowned thinking why isn't she picking his call up. He tried few more times but got the same answer every time.

His facial changed from frowning to worried. It can never happened that she doesn't pick his calls. No matter how busy she is, she will pick the call up.

Neil dialled her number again but the call again went unanswered. He took deep breath and heard his family laughing upon something.

Neil looks at his phone wallpaper and his eyes become teary seeing Avni's smiling photo on the screen. He traced her photo before sniffing his tears back.

He composing himself tries escaping out of the mansion without getting caught but unfortunately swetha saw him.

She called his name out. Neil sighing himself turns around.

Neil : mom I..

Swetha : Neil where are you going without having your breakfast? Did I teach you to skip breakfast?

Neil avoids looking at swetha but still nodding his head making swetha sigh. Swetha walks to him and holding his hand drags him to dinning table.

Neil tried to protest but swetha didn't gave up and glaring him made him sit on the chair next to Bebe.

She starts serving him whereas Neil stares at his plate quietly. Everyone there knew something was bothering Neil. Bebe kept her hand on Neil's shoulder making him look at her.

Bebe : tillu what's wrong? You look worried? Did you fight with avni again?

Neil : no Bebe.

He kept it short and got to leave. He looks at swetha and muttering sorry to swetha left the mansion leaving others in shock and worried.

Neil threw his bag in the car and thumped himself down on the driver seat. He starts driving mindlessly on the road not knowing where he was heading to.

Neil took a glance outside of the window once he got little sense. His heart was yelling him to take u-turn. Neil closed his eyes and shots up within a minute.

He took his phone and dialled his pa number.

Neil : hello cancel my meetings.. I won't be able to make it.

Neil ended the call and threw it to backseat. He took the u-turn to Avni's apartment. He increased the speed and drove to Avni's apartment.

He reached there within 10 minutes. He parked the car and ran to her apartment. He rang the door bell and waited but no one opened the door. A sense it fear grow in his heart. His heart was breaking every second he waited outside of the apartment.

He couldn't wait any longer. He rushed back to his car and madly searched the key in the car but at last he found it on the floor in the floor. He got it and ran back.

Neil opened the door and went in. He watched the apartment with his eyes widen open. He gasped seeing the apartment state.

Neil walks inside the apartment and starts yelling Avni's name.

Neil : baby.. where are you? Avni.. are you there? Avni.. where are you?

He yelled Avni's name as he climbed the stairs. He stood front of Avni's room.. he tried opening the door by twisting the knob but couldn't as the door was locked from inside which freaked Neil out badly.

Neil steps back and without thinking anything he broke the door and shattering seeing the scene in front of him.  His eyes turned darker and furious. He took a step watching the room. His eyes didn't failed to notice how mess the room was. How everything was scattered on the floor. A glass broken into tiny pieces.. his heart got heavy as he walked other of bed where he felt his world has died. There was avni lying down with blood oozing out from her forehead and hands..

He ran to her and crouched down. He took Avni's head and placed it on his lap. He tapped her cheeks and tried her waking  her up.

Neil : baby wake up.. your Neil is here.. wake up. You can't leave me like this.. you can't broke your promise baby. You promised to give me beautiful family. You can't go.

His tears on Avni's face.. Neil's eyes fell on Avni's phone which was kept on side table. He picked the phone and dialled doctor number.

His one hand was trying to waking up while with other hand he called the doctor and asked him to come over to Avni's apartment. He didn't feel like calling his parents or anyone.

He just wanted assurances that nothing will happen to his avni. His mind was flooded with so much negative thoughts. He can't let any of those thoughts come true, he will die if anything happens to his avni. He can't lose her. He just can't lose her.

Neil picked Avni's in his arm and laid her down on the bed. He stared her wound before pulling side drawer and taking out first aid kit. He sat kneeled on the floor and starts dressing her wound when he heard footsteps. He looks up and saw doctor.

He moves side allowing the doctor to check avni. Neil stood at aside and watched Avni's pale face. He cheeks were stained with tears. He watched doctor checking avni that he didn't realise that doctor was calling him.

He came back to his sense when he heard doctor yelling.

Neil : why are you shouting god damn it? Can't you see my avni is unconscious? Is she okay? Why isn't she waking up? Speak up damn it?

The doctor was Family doctor of khanna so he was very aware of Neil's behaviour. The doctor shook his head.

Doctor : do you know anything what happened? Why is she unconscious?

Neil gave a look to the doctor.

Neil : am I the doctor? How I supposed to know why is she unconscious? Who the hell made you doctor? You can't even tell why is your patient unconscious?

Doctor : shut up Neil. I mean to say what has happened that she is unconscious? Did anything behind your absence?

Neil looks at doctor then at avni who was living on bed unconsciously.

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Ishqezain1805 & @bubbleybunnies

Heart filled with love yet drown in vegenance |completed|Where stories live. Discover now